
Gerald Krell

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18 Gerald Krell, Bernd Michaelis: Multi-Error Correction of Image Forming Systems by Training Samples Maintaining Colors. VISAPP (1) 2008: 152-158
17EEAndreas Herzog, Robert Niese, Gerald Krell, Bernd Michaelis, Wladimir Ovtscharoff, Katharina Braun: Detection of presynaptic terminals on dendritic spines in double labeling confocal images. ICPR (4) 2006: 715-718
16EENils Riefenstahl, Gerald Krell, Mathias Walke, Bernd Michaelis, Günther Gademann: Optical Surface Sensing and Multimodal Image Fusion for Position Verification in Radiotherapy. MediVis 2006: 21-28
15EEAndreas Herzog, Gerald Krell, Bernd Michaelis, S. Westerholz, C. Helmeke, Katharina Braun: Geometrical Modeling and Visualization of Pre- and Post-Synaptic Structures in Double-Labeled Confocal Images. MediVis 2006: 34-38
14 Gerald Krell, Bernd Michaelis: Training of neural networks for image correction with natural images. SIP 2005: 172-177
13EER. Rebmann, Bernd Michaelis, Gerald Krell, Udo Seiffert, F. Püschel: Improving Image Processing Systems by Artificial Neural Networks. Reading and Learning 2004: 37-64
12 Bernd Michaelis, Gerald Krell: Pattern Recognition, 25th DAGM Symposium, Magdeburg, Germany, September 10-12, 2003, Proceedings Springer 2003
11EEGerald Krell, R. Rebmann, Udo Seiffert, Bernd Michaelis: Improving Still Image Coding by an SOM-Controlled Associative Memory. CIARP 2003: 571-579
10EER. Rebmann, Gerald Krell, Udo Seiffert, Bernd Michaelis: Associative Correction Of Compression Artefacts With A Self-Organizing Map Classifying The Image Content. DCC 2003: 446
9 Roman Calow, Peter Albrecht, Gerald Krell, Bernd Michaelis: Ein Online-System zur Patientenpositionierung unter Verwendung codierten Lichtes. Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2002: 69-72
8EENils Riefenstahl, Gerald Krell, Roman Calow, Bernd Michaelis, Mathias Walke: A Multimodal Image Fusion Framework Applied in Radiotherapy. IV 2001: 173-
7EEHamid R. Tizhoosh, Gerald Krell, Bernd Michaelis: Knowledge-based enhancement of megavoltage images in radiation therapy using a hybrid neuro-fuzzy system. Image Vision Comput. 19(4): 217-233 (2001)
6 Gerald Krell, Bernd Michaelis, Mathias Walke, Roman Calow, Nils Riefenstahl: Bilder aus Diagnostik und Behandlungsplanung in der Strahlentherapie zur Auswertung von Online-Daten mit neuronalen Netzen. Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2000: 277-281
5 Andreas Herzog, Gerald Krell, Bernd Michaelis, Jizhong Wang, Werner Zuschratter, Katharina Braun: Three-Dimensional Quasi-binary Image Restoration for Confocal Microscopy and Its Application to Dendritic Trees. CAIP 1997: 114-121
4EEGerald Krell, Hamid R. Tizhoosh, Tilo Lilienblum, C. J. Moore, Bernd Michaelis: Enhancement and associative restoration of electronic portal images in radiotherapy. CBMS 1997: 104-108
3 Hamid R. Tizhoosh, Gerald Krell, Bernd Michaelis: Locally Adaptive Fuzzy Image Enhancement. Fuzzy Days 1997: 272-276
2EEHamid R. Tizhoosh, Gerald Krell, Bernd Michaelis: Additive Fuzzy Enhancement and an Associative Memory for Feature Tracking in Radiation Therapy Images. ICIP (2) 1997: 398-401
1 Bernd Michaelis, Gerald Krell: Artificial Neural Networks for Image Improvement. CAIP 1993: 838-845

Coauthor Index

1Peter Albrecht [9]
2Katharina Braun [5] [15] [17]
3Roman Calow [6] [8] [9]
4Günther Gademann [16]
5C. Helmeke [15]
6Andreas Herzog [5] [15] [17]
7Tilo Lilienblum [4]
8Bernd Michaelis [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18]
9C. J. Moore [4]
10Robert Niese [17]
11Wladimir Ovtscharoff [17]
12F. Püschel [13]
13R. Rebmann [10] [11] [13]
14Nils Riefenstahl [6] [8] [16]
15Udo Seiffert [10] [11] [13]
16Hamid R. Tizhoosh [2] [3] [4] [7]
17Mathias Walke [6] [8] [16]
18Jizhong Wang [5]
19S. Westerholz [15]
20Werner Zuschratter [5]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)