
Olga Kouchnarenko

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20EESamuel Colin, Arnaud Lanoix, Olga Kouchnarenko, Jeanine Souquières: Towards Validating a Platoon of Cristal Vehicles Using CSP||B. AMAST 2008: 139-144
19EEYohan Boichut, Roméo Courbis, Pierre-Cyrille Héam, Olga Kouchnarenko: Finer Is Better: Abstraction Refinement for Rewriting Approximations. RTA 2008: 48-62
18EEYohan Boichut, Roméo Courbis, Pierre-Cyrille Héam, Olga Kouchnarenko: Handling Left-Quadratic Rules When Completing Tree Automata. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 223: 61-70 (2008)
17EEPierre-Cyrille Héam, Olga Kouchnarenko, Jérôme Voinot: How to Handle QoS Aspects in Web Services Substitutivity Verification. WETICE 2007: 333-338
16 Jacques Julliand, Olga Kouchnarenko: B 2007: Formal Specification and Development in B, 7th International Conference of B Users, Besançon, France, January 17-19, 2007, Proceedings Springer 2006
15EEOlga Kouchnarenko, Arnaud Lanoix: How to Verify and Exploit a Refinement of Component-Based Systems. Ershov Memorial Conference 2006: 297-309
14EEYohan Boichut, Pierre-Cyrille Héam, Olga Kouchnarenko: Handling Algebraic Properties in Automatic Analysis of Security Protocols. ICTAC 2006: 153-167
13EEAlessandro Armando, David A. Basin, Yohan Boichut, Yannick Chevalier, Luca Compagna, Jorge Cuéllar, Paul Hankes Drielsma, Pierre-Cyrille Héam, Olga Kouchnarenko, Jacopo Mantovani, Sebastian Mödersheim, David von Oheimb, Michaël Rusinowitch, Judson Santiago, Mathieu Turuani, Luca Viganò, Laurent Vigneron: The AVISPA Tool for the Automated Validation of Internet Security Protocols and Applications. CAV 2005: 281-285
12EEOlga Kouchnarenko, Arnaud Lanoix: Verifying Invariants of Component-Based Systems through Refinement. AMAST 2004: 289-303
11EEOlga Kouchnarenko, Arnaud Lanoix: Refinement and Verification of Synchronized Component-Based Systems. FME 2003: 341-358
10EEFrançoise Bellegarde, Celina Charlet, Olga Kouchnarenko: How to Compute the Refinement Relation for Parameterized Systems. MEMOCODE 2003: 103-112
9EEChristophe Darlot, Jacques Julliand, Olga Kouchnarenko: Refinement Preserves PLTL Properties. ZB 2003: 408-420
8EEFrédéric Oehl, Gérard Cécé, Olga Kouchnarenko, David Sinclair: Automatic Approximation for the Verification of Cryptographic Protocols. FASec 2002: 33-48
7EEFrançoise Bellegarde, Jacques Julliand, Olga Kouchnarenko: Synchronized Parallel Composition of Event Systems in B. ZB 2002: 436-457
6EEFrançoise Bellegarde, Celina Charlet, Olga Kouchnarenko: Raffiner pour vérifier des systèmes paramétrés. Technique et Science Informatiques 21(8): 1121-1149 (2002)
5EEFrançoise Bellegarde, Christophe Darlot, Jacques Julliand, Olga Kouchnarenko: Reformulation: A Way to Combine Dynamic Properties and B Refinement. FME 2001: 2-19
4EEFrançoise Bellegarde, Jacques Julliand, Olga Kouchnarenko: Ready-Simulation Is Not Ready to Express a Modular Refinement Relation. FASE 2000: 266-283
3EEFrançoise Bellegarde, Christophe Darlot, Jacques Julliand, Olga Kouchnarenko: Reformulate Dynamic Properties during B Refinement and Forget Variants and Loop Invariants. ZB 2000: 230-249
2 Olga Kouchnarenko, Ph. Schnoebelen: A Formal Framework for the Analysis of Recursive-Parallel Programs. PaCT 1997: 45-59
1EEOlga Kouchnarenko, Ph. Schnoebelen: A model for recursive-parallel programs. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 5: (1996)

Coauthor Index

1Alessandro Armando [13]
2David A. Basin [13]
3Françoise Bellegarde (Françoise Bellegarde-Webb) [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [10]
4Yohan Boichut [13] [14] [18] [19]
5Gérard Cécé [8]
6Celina Charlet [6] [10]
7Yannick Chevalier [13]
8Samuel Colin [20]
9Luca Compagna [13]
10Roméo Courbis [18] [19]
11Jorge Cuéllar [13]
12Christophe Darlot [3] [5] [9]
13Paul Hankes Drielsma [13]
14Pierre-Cyrille Héam [13] [14] [17] [18] [19]
15Jacques Julliand [3] [4] [5] [7] [9] [16]
16Arnaud Lanoix [11] [12] [15] [20]
17Jacopo Mantovani [13]
18Sebastian Mödersheim [13]
19Frédéric Oehl [8]
20David von Oheimb [13]
21Michaël Rusinowitch [13]
22Judson Santiago [13]
23Ph. Schnoebelen [1] [2]
24David Sinclair [8]
25Jeanine Souquières [20]
26Mathieu Turuani [13]
27Luca Viganò [13]
28Laurent Vigneron [13]
29Jérôme Voinot [17]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)