
Samuel Colin

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4EESamuel Colin, Arnaud Lanoix, Olga Kouchnarenko, Jeanine Souquières: Towards Validating a Platoon of Cristal Vehicles Using CSP||B. AMAST 2008: 139-144
3EEArnaud Lanoix, Samuel Colin, Jeanine Souquières: Développement formel par composants Assemblage et vérification à l'aide de B. Technique et Science Informatiques 27(8): 1007-1032 (2008)
2EESamuel Colin, Dorian Petit, Vincent Poirriez, Jérôme Rocheteau, Rafael Marcano, Georges Mariano: BRILLANT : An Open Source and XML-based platform for Rigourous Software Development. SEFM 2005: 373-382
1EESamuel Colin, Georges Mariano, Vincent Poirriez: Duration Calculus: A Real-Time Semantic for B. ICTAC 2004: 431-446

Coauthor Index

1Olga Kouchnarenko [4]
2Arnaud Lanoix [3] [4]
3Rafael Marcano [2]
4Georges Mariano [1] [2]
5Dorian Petit [2]
6Vincent Poirriez [1] [2]
7Jérôme Rocheteau [2]
8Jeanine Souquières [3] [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)