
Pramod Koparkar

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7 M. A. Sanglikar, Pramod Koparkar, V. N. Joshi: Locally Invertible Topological Map for Parametric Blending. ICCG 1993: 179-188
6 Pramod Koparkar: Canopy surface technique for parametric blending. The Visual Computer 9(2): 84-90 (1992)
5EEPramod Koparkar: Parametric blending using fanout surfaces. Symposium on Solid Modeling and Applications 1991: 317-327
4EELaxmi Parida, Pramod Koparkar: A closed form solution to the problem of tangential circles, lines, points with extension to 3D. Computers & Graphics 15(1): 49-55 (1991)
3 Pramod Koparkar: Designing parametric blends: surface model and geometric correspondence. The Visual Computer 7(1): 39-58 (1991)
2 Pramod Koparkar: Surface intersection by switching from recursive subdivision to iterative refinement. The Visual Computer 8(1): 47-63 (1991)
1EEM. A. Sanglikar, Pramod Koparkar, V. N. Joshi: Modelling rolling ball blends for computer aided geometric design. Computer Aided Geometric Design 7(5): 399-414 (1990)

Coauthor Index

1V. N. Joshi [1] [7]
2Laxmi Parida [4]
3M. A. Sanglikar [1] [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)