
Kimio Kondo

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3EEKikuo Asai, Noritaka Osawa, Yuji Y. Sugimoto, Kimio Kondo: Operation-Support System for Transportable Earth Station Using Augmented Reality. APCHI 2004: 9-18
2EENoritaka Osawa, Kimio Kondo, Kikuo Asai, Tadao Mio, Yutaka Noma, Ayako Mio: Distance Education between Immersive Indoor and Outdoor Environments Using Multimedia Satellite Network System. ICALT 2003: 471
1 Hideaki Kuzuoka, Gen Ishimo, Yushi Nishimura, Ryotaro Suzuki, Kimio Kondo: Can the GestureCam be a Surrogate? ECSCW 1995: 179-

Coauthor Index

1Kikuo Asai [2] [3]
2Gen Ishimo [1]
3Hideaki Kuzuoka [1]
4Ayako Mio [2]
5Tadao Mio [2]
6Yushi Nishimura [1]
7Yutaka Noma [2]
8Noritaka Osawa [2] [3]
9Yuji Y. Sugimoto [3]
10Ryotaro Suzuki [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)