
Maciej Komosinski

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8EEWojciech Jaskowski, Maciej Komosinski: The Numerical Measure of Symmetry for 3D Stick Creatures. Artificial Life 14(4): 425-443 (2008)
7EEJacek Jelonek, Maciej Komosinski: Biologically-Inspired Visual-Motor Coordination Model in a Navigation Problem. KES (3) 2006: 341-348
6EEMaciej Komosinski, Marek Kubiak: Taxonomy in Alife. Measures of Similarity for Complex Artificial Organisms. ECAL 2001: 685-694
5 Ádám Rotaru-Varga, Maciej Komosinski: Comparison of Different Genotype Encodings for Simulated Three-Dimensional Agents. Artificial Life 7(4): 395-418 (2001)
4EEMaciej Komosinski: The World of Framsticks: Simulation, Evolution, Interaction. Virtual Worlds 2000: 214-224
3 Maciej Komosinski, Krzysztof Krawiec: Evolutionary weighting of image features for diagnosing of CNS tumors. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 19(1): 25-38 (2000)
2 Maciej Komosinski, Szymon Ulatowski: Framsticks: Towards a Simulation of a Nature-Like World, Creatures and Evolution. ECAL 1999: 261-265
1 Jacek Jelonek, Maciej Komosinski: Genetic Algorithms in Constructive Induction. ISMIS 1999: 665-673

Coauthor Index

1Wojciech Jaskowski [8]
2Jacek Jelonek [1] [7]
3Krzysztof Krawiec [3]
4Marek Kubiak [6]
5Ádám Rotaru-Varga [5]
6Szymon Ulatowski [2]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)