
Jacek Jelonek

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8EEJacek Jelonek, Maciej Komosinski: Biologically-Inspired Visual-Motor Coordination Model in a Navigation Problem. KES (3) 2006: 341-348
7 Luiza Budzynska, Jacek Jelonek, Ewa Lukasik, Aleksander Naganowski, Roman Slowinski, Robert Susmaga: Knowledge Discovery from Digital Media Objects Using Preference Semantics. EWIMT 2004
6EEJacek Jelonek, Ewa Lukasik, Aleksander Naganowski, Roman Slowinski: Inducing Jury's Preferences in Terms of Acoustic Features of Violin Sounds. ICAISC 2004: 492-497
5 Jacek Jelonek, Maciej Komosinski: Genetic Algorithms in Constructive Induction. ISMIS 1999: 665-673
4 Jacek Jelonek, Jerzy Stefanowski: Experiments on Solving Multiclass Learning Problems by n2-classifier. ECML 1998: 172-177
3 Jacek Jelonek, Jerzy Stefanowski: Feature subset selection for classification of histological images. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 9(3): 227-239 (1997)
2 Jacek Jelonek, Krzysztof Krawiec, Roman Slowinski: Rough Set Reduction of Attributes and their Domains for Neural Networks. Computational Intelligence 11: 339-347 (1995)
1 Jacek Jelonek, Krzysztof Krawiec, Roman Slowinski, Jerzy Stefanowski, Janusz Szymas: Neural Networks and Rough Sets - Comparison and Combination for Classification of Histological Pictures. RSKD 1993: 426-433

Coauthor Index

1Luiza Budzynska [7]
2Maciej Komosinski [5] [8]
3Krzysztof Krawiec [1] [2]
4Ewa Lukasik [6] [7]
5Aleksander Naganowski [6] [7]
6Roman Slowinski [1] [2] [6] [7]
7Jerzy Stefanowski [1] [3] [4]
8Robert Susmaga [7]
9Janusz Szymas [1]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)