
Ivana Kolingerová

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25EEJindrich Parus, Ivana Kolingerová, Martina Málková: Multimorphing: A tool for shape synthesis and analysis. Advances in Engineering Software 40(5): 323-333 (2009)
24EEFrancisco Ramos, Miguel Chover, Jindra Parus, Ivana Kolingerová: Level-of-Detail Triangle Strips for Deforming Meshes. ICCS (2) 2008: 86-95
23EEIvana Kolingerová: Simulated Annealing and Genetic Algorithms in Quest of Optimal Triangulations. Generalized Voronoi Diagram 2008: 247-266
22EEIvana Kolingerová: Computational Geometry Education for Computer Graphics Students. Comput. Graph. Forum 27(6): 1531-1538 (2008)
21 Josef Kohout, Ivana Kolingerová: ACUT: Out-Of-Core Delaunay Triangulation of Large Terrain Data Sets. VMV 2007: 181-190
20EEPetr Vanecek, Ivana Kolingerová: Comparison of triangle strips algorithms. Computers & Graphics 31(1): 100-118 (2007)
19 Ladislav Kavan, Ivana Kolingerová, Jiri Zara: Fast approximation of convex hull. ACST 2006: 101-104
18EEJosef Kohout, Michal Varnuska, Ivana Kolingerová: Surface Reconstruction from Large Point Clouds Using Virtual Shared Memory Manager. ICCSA (1) 2006: 71-80
17EEJindra Parus, Ivana Kolingerová: Normal evaluation for soft-body deforming meshes. SimVis 2006: 157-168
16EEJosef Kohout, Ivana Kolingerová, Jirí Zára: Parallel Delaunay triangulation in E2 and E3 for computers with shared memory. Parallel Computing 31(5): 491-522 (2005)
15EEPetr Vanecek, Ivana Kolingerová: Multi-Path Algorithm for Triangle Strips. Computer Graphics International 2004: 2-9
14EEIvana Kolingerová: On Triangulations. ICCSA (2) 2004: 544-553
13EEMichal Varnuska, Ivana Kolingerová: Boundary Filtering in Surface Reconstruction. ICCSA (2) 2004: 682-692
12EEPavel Maur, Ivana Kolingerová: The Employment of Regular Triangulation for Constrained Delaunay Triangulation. ICCSA (3) 2004: 198-206
11EEIvana Kolingerová, Václav Strych, Václav Cada: Using Constraints in Delaunay and Greedy Triangulation for Contour Lines Improvement. International Conference on Computational Science 2004: 123-130
10EEMichal Varnuska, Ivana Kolingerová: Manifold Extraction in Surface Reconstruction. International Conference on Computational Science 2004: 147-155
9EEJosef Kohout, Ivana Kolingerová, Jiri Zara: Practically oriented parallel Delaunay triangulation in E2 for computers with shared memory. Computers & Graphics 28(5): 703-718 (2004)
8EEBorut Zalik, Ivana Kolingerová: An incremental construction algorithm for Delaunay triangulation using the nearest-point paradigm. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 17(2): 119-138 (2003)
7EEJosef Kohout, Ivana Kolingerová: Parallel Delaunay triangulation in E 3: make it simple. The Visual Computer 19(7-8): 532-548 (2003)
6EEIvana Kolingerová: Modified DAG Location for Delaunay Triangulation. International Conference on Computational Science (3) 2002: 125-134
5EEPavel Slavík, Ivana Kolingerová: History of Computer Graphics in the Czech Republic. WSCG 2002
4EEIvana Kolingerová, Borut Zalik: Improvements to randomized incremental Delaunay insertion. Computers & Graphics 26(3): 477-490 (2002)
3EEIvana Kolingerová, Josef Kohout: Optimistic parallel Delaunay triangulation. The Visual Computer 18(8): 511-529 (2002)
2EEIvana Kolingerová, Andrej Ferko: Multicriteria-optimized triangulations. The Visual Computer 17(6): 380-395 (2001)
1EEIvana Kolingerová: Convex polyhedron-line intersection detection using dual representation. The Visual Computer 13(1): 42-49 (1997)

Coauthor Index

1Václav Cada [11]
2Miguel Chover [24]
3Andrej Ferko [2]
4Ladislav Kavan [19]
5Josef Kohout [3] [7] [9] [16] [18] [21]
6Martina Málková [25]
7Pavel Maur [12]
8Jindra Parus [17] [24]
9Jindrich Parus [25]
10Francisco Ramos (J. Francisco Ramos) [24]
11Pavel Slavík [5]
12Václav Strych [11]
13Petr Vanecek [15] [20]
14Michal Varnuska [10] [13] [18]
15Borut Zalik [4] [8]
16Jiri Zara (Jirí Zára) [9] [16] [19]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)