
Sabine Koch

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4EEIsabella Scandurra, Maria Hägglund, Sabine Koch: From user needs to system specifications: Multi-disciplinary thematic seminars as a collaborative design method for development of health information systems. Journal of Biomedical Informatics 41(4): 557-569 (2008)
3EEIsabella Scandurra, Maria Hägglund, Sabine Koch: Integrated Care Plan and Documentation on Handheld Devices in Mobile Home Care. Mobile HCI 2004: 496-500
2 Sabine Koch: Computerunterstütztes Lernen in der Sparkassenorganisation - Wohnungsbaufinanzierung und Aktienhandel einmal anders. INFOS 1993: 315-319
1EESabine Koch, Wolfgang Menzel, Ingrid Starke: A Procedure Of An Automatic Grapheme-To-Phoneme Transformation Of German. COLING 1982: 158-161

Coauthor Index

1Maria Hägglund [3] [4]
2Wolfgang Menzel [1]
3Isabella Scandurra [3] [4]
4Ingrid Starke [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)