
Claire Knight

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10EENicolas Gold, Claire Knight, Andrew Mohan, Malcolm Munro: Understanding Service-Oriented Software. IEEE Software 21(2): 71-77 (2004)
9EEClaire Knight, Malcolm Munro: Program Comprehension Experiences with GXL; Comprehension for Comprehension. IWPC 2002: 147-158
8EEStuart M. Charters, Claire Knight, Nigel Thomas, Malcolm Munro: Visualisation for informed decision making; from code to components. SEKE 2002: 765-772
7 Claire Knight, Malcolm Munro: Towards automatic adaptation of data interfaces. HCI 2001: 78-82
6EEClaire Knight, Malcolm Munro: Mediating Diverse Visualisations for Comprehension. IWPC 2001: 18-25
5EEClaire Knight, Malcolm Munro: Visualisations; Functionality and Interaction. International Conference on Computational Science (2) 2001: 470-475
4EEClaire Knight: Smell the Coffee! Uncovering Java Analysis Issues. SCAM 2001: 163-169
3EEClaire Knight, Malcolm Munro: Virtual but Visible Software. IV 2000: 198-205
2EEClaire Knight, Malcolm Munro: Should Users Inhabit Visualizations? WETICE 2000: 43-50
1EEClaire Knight, Malcolm Munro: Comprehension with[in] Virtual Environment Visualisations. IWPC 1999: 4-11

Coauthor Index

1Stuart M. Charters [8]
2Nicolas Gold (Nicolas E. Gold) [10]
3Andrew Mohan [10]
4Malcolm Munro [1] [2] [3] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
5Nigel Thomas [8]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)