
Tomas Klos

Tomas B. Klos

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19EETomas Klos, Gerrit Jan van Ahee: Evolutionary dynamics for designing multi-period auctions. AAMAS (3) 2008: 1589-1592
18EEMathijs de Weerdt, Yingqian Zhang, Tomas Klos: Distributed task allocation in social networks. AAMAS 2007: 76
17EEPeter-Paul van Maanen, Tomas Klos, Kees van Dongen: Closed-Loop Adaptive Decision Support Based on Automated Trust Assessment. HCI (16) 2007: 266-275
16EEPeter-Paul van Maanen, Tomas Klos, Kees van Dongen: Aiding Human Reliance Decision Making Using Computational Models of Trust. Web Intelligence/IAT Workshops 2007: 372-376
15EETomas Klos, Bart Nooteboom: Adaptive Learning in Complex Trade Networks. SEAL 2006: 695-702
14EETomas Klos, Han La Poutré: A Versatile Approach to Combining Trust Values for Making Binary Decisions. iTrust 2006: 206-220
13EEKaren Fullam, Tomas Klos, Guillaume Muller, Jordi Sabater-Mir, K. Suzanne Barber, Laurent Vercouter: The Agent Reputation and Trust (ART) Testbed. iTrust 2006: 439-442
12EETomas B. Klos, Floortje Alkemade: Trusted intermediating agents in electronic trade networks. AAMAS 2005: 1249-1250
11EEKaren Fullam, Tomas B. Klos, Guillaume Muller, Jordi Sabater, Zvi Topol, K. Suzanne Barber, Jeffrey S. Rosenschein, Laurent Vercouter: A demonstration of the Agent Reputation and Trust (ART): testbed for experimentation and competition. AAMAS 2005: 151-152
10EEKaren Fullam, Tomas B. Klos, Guillaume Muller, Jordi Sabater, Andreas Schlosser, Zvi Topol, K. Suzanne Barber, Jeffrey S. Rosenschein, Laurent Vercouter, Marco Voss: A specification of the Agent Reputation and Trust (ART) testbed: experimentation and competition for trust in agent societies. AAMAS 2005: 512-518
9 Tomas B. Klos, Han La Poutré: Decentralized Reputation-Based Trust for Assessing Agent Reliability Under Aggregate Feedback. BNAIC 2005: 357-358
8 Karen Fullam, Tomas B. Klos, Guillaume Muller, Jordi Sabater-Mir, Zvi Topol, K. Suzanne Barber, Jeffrey S. Rosenschein, Laurent Vercouter: The Agent Reputation and Trust (ART) Testbed Architecture. CCIA 2005: 389-396
7EED. J. A. Somefun, Tomas B. Klos, Johannes A. La Poutré: Negotiating over Bundles and Prices Using Aggregate Knowledge. EC-Web 2004: 218-227
6EED. J. A. Somefun, Tomas B. Klos, Johannes A. La Poutré: Online learning of aggregate knowledge about non-linear preferences applied to negotiating prices and bundles. ICEC 2004: 361-370
5EETomas B. Klos, Han La Poutré: Decentralized Reputation-Based Trust for Assessing Agent Reliability Under Aggregate Feedback. Trusting Agents for Trusting Electronic Societies 2004: 110-128
4EEKoye Somefun, Tomas Klos, Han La Poutré: Negotiating over Bundles and Prices Using Aggregate Knowledge CoRR abs/cs/0412104: (2004)
3EEKoye Somefun, Tomas Klos, Han La Poutré: Online Learning of Aggregate Knowledge about Non-linear Preferences Applied to Negotiating Prices and Bundles CoRR abs/cs/0412106: (2004)
2EEA. M. Oudshoff, Ivor Bosloper, Tomas B. Klos, Lambert Spaanenburg: Knowledge discovery in virtual community texts: Clustering virtual communities. Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems 14(1): 13-24 (2003)
1EEBart Nooteboom, Tomas Klos, Renè Jorna: Adaptive Trust and Co-operation: An Agent-Based Simulation Approach. Trust in Cyber-societies 2000: 83-110

Coauthor Index

1Gerrit Jan van Ahee [19]
2Floortje Alkemade [12]
3K. Suzanne Barber (Kathleen Suzanne Barber) [8] [10] [11] [13]
4Ivor Bosloper [2]
5Kees van Dongen [16] [17]
6Karen Fullam [8] [10] [11] [13]
7Renè Jorna [1]
8Peter-Paul van Maanen [16] [17]
9Guillaume Muller [8] [10] [11] [13]
10Bart Nooteboom [1] [15]
11A. M. Oudshoff [2]
12Johannes A. La Poutré (Han La Poutré) [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [9] [14]
13Jeffrey S. Rosenschein [8] [10] [11]
14Jordi Sabater [10] [11]
15Jordi Sabater-Mir [8] [13]
16Andreas Schlosser [10]
17D. J. A. Somefun [6] [7]
18Koye Somefun [3] [4]
19Lambert Spaanenburg [2]
20Zvi Topol [8] [10] [11]
21Laurent Vercouter [8] [10] [11] [13]
22Marco Voss (Marco Voß) [10]
23Mathijs de Weerdt [18]
24Yingqian Zhang [18]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)