
Ulrich Klehmet

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9EEThomas Herpel, Kai-Steffen Jens Hielscher, Ulrich Klehmet, Reinhard German: Stochastic and deterministic performance evaluation of automotive CAN communication. Computer Networks 53(8): 1171-1185 (2009)
8 Ulrich Klehmet, Thomas Herpel, Kai-Steffen Jens Hielscher, Reinhard German: Delay Bounds for CAN Communication in Automotive Applications. MMB 2008: 157-172
7EEUlrich Klehmet, Thomas Herpel, Kai-Steffen Jens Hielscher, Reinhard German: Real-Time Guarantees for CAN Traffic. VTC Spring 2008: 3037-3041
6 Ulrich Klehmet: Logic based extensions of stochastic process algebras for high-level performance modeling and evaluation. ESM 2000: 97-101
5 Holger Hermanns, Ulrich Herzog, Ulrich Klehmet, Vassilis Mertsiotakis, Markus Siegle: Compositional performance modelling with the TIPPtool. Perform. Eval. 39(1-4): 5-35 (2000)
4 Ulrich Klehmet: High-level Performance Modelling and Evaluation by Stochastic Process Algebras. MMB (Kurzvorträge) 1999: 87-92
3EEHolger Hermanns, Ulrich Herzog, Ulrich Klehmet, Vassilis Mertsiotakis, Markus Siegle: Compositional Performance Modelling with TIPPtool. Computer Performance Evaluation (Tools) 1998: 51-62
2 Ulrich Klehmet: Extensions of Stochastic Process Algebras for Performance and Dependability Modelling. ESM 1998: 771-775
1 Markus Ettl, Ulrich Klehmet: A Performance Comparison between the Fieldbus Protocol Standards PROFIBUS and FIP. Decentralized and Distributed Systems 1993: 245-258

Coauthor Index

1Markus Ettl [1]
2Reinhard German [7] [8] [9]
3Holger Hermanns [3] [5]
4Thomas Herpel [7] [8] [9]
5Ulrich Herzog [3] [5]
6Kai-Steffen Jens Hielscher [7] [8] [9]
7Vassilis Mertsiotakis [3] [5]
8Markus Siegle [3] [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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