2008 |
17 | EE | David A. Basin,
Felix Klaedtke,
Samuel Müller,
Birgit Pfitzmann:
Runtime Monitoring of Metric First-order Temporal Properties.
FSTTCS 2008 |
16 | EE | Christian Dax,
Felix Klaedtke:
Alternation Elimination by Complementation (Extended Abstract).
LPAR 2008: 214-229 |
15 | EE | Felix Klaedtke:
Ehrenfeucht-Fraïssé Goes Automatic for Real Addition.
STACS 2008: 445-456 |
14 | EE | Felix Klaedtke:
Bounds on the automata size for Presburger arithmetic.
ACM Trans. Comput. Log. 9(2): (2008) |
13 | EE | Jochen Eisinger,
Felix Klaedtke:
Don't care words with an application to the automata-based approach for real addition.
Formal Methods in System Design 33(1-3): 85-115 (2008) |
2007 |
12 | EE | Christian Dax,
Jochen Eisinger,
Felix Klaedtke:
Mechanizing the Powerset Construction for Restricted Classes of omega -Automata.
ATVA 2007: 223-236 |
11 | EE | Bernd Becker,
Christian Dax,
Jochen Eisinger,
Felix Klaedtke:
LIRA: Handling Constraints of Linear Arithmetics over the Integers and the Reals.
CAV 2007: 307-310 |
10 | EE | Felix Klaedtke,
Stefan Ratschan,
Zhikun She:
Language-Based Abstraction Refinement for Hybrid System Verification.
VMCAI 2007: 151-166 |
2006 |
9 | EE | Jochen Eisinger,
Felix Klaedtke:
Don't Care Words with an Application to the Automata-Based Approach for Real Addition.
CAV 2006: 67-80 |
2005 |
8 | EE | Erika Ábrahám,
Bernd Becker,
Felix Klaedtke,
Martin Steffen:
Optimizing Bounded Model Checking for Linear Hybrid Systems.
VMCAI 2005: 396-412 |
7 | EE | Felix Klaedtke:
Bounds on the Automata Size for Presburger Arithmetic
CoRR abs/cs/0506008: (2005) |
2004 |
6 | EE | Felix Klaedtke:
On the Automata Size for Presburger Arithmetic.
LICS 2004: 110-119 |
2003 |
5 | EE | Felix Klaedtke,
Harald Rueß:
Monadic Second-Order Logics with Cardinalities.
ICALP 2003: 681-696 |
4 | EE | Abdelwaheb Ayari,
David A. Basin,
Felix Klaedtke:
Decision procedures for inductive Boolean functions based on alternating automata.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 300(1-3): 301-329 (2003) |
2001 |
3 | EE | Felix Klaedtke:
Complementation of Büchi Automata Using Alternation.
Automata, Logics, and Infinite Games 2001: 61-78 |
2 | EE | Felix Klaedtke:
Decision Procedure for an Extension of WS1S.
CSL 2001: 384-398 |
2000 |
1 | | Abdelwaheb Ayari,
David A. Basin,
Felix Klaedtke:
Decision Procedures for Inductive Boolean Functions Based on Alternating Automata.
CAV 2000: 170-185 |