
L. L. Kisselev

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5 Alexey V. Kochetov, Mikhail P. Ponomarenko, Anatoly S. Frolov, L. L. Kisselev, Nikolay A. Kolchanov: Prediction of eukaryotic mRNA translational properties. Bioinformatics 15(7): 704-712 (1999)
4 I. V. Ischenko, Alexey V. Kochetov, Alexander E. Kel, Nikolay A. Kolchanov, L. L. Kisselev: Comparative Analysis of the Secondary Structure of mRNA Encoded by High- and Low-Expression Eukaryotic Genes. German Conference on Bioinformatics 1996: 124-129
3 Miroslawa Z. Barciszewska, M. Nalaskowska, T. D. Mashkova, L. L. Kisselev, Jan Barciszewski: Heterogeneity in the 3'-portion of Papilionaceae 5S rRNAs. The primary structure of alfalfa 5S rRNA. Nucleic Acids Research 15(1): 362 (1987)
2 Miroslawa Z. Barciszewska, T. D. Mashkova, L. L. Kisselev, Jan Barciszewski: The nucleotide sequences of 5S ribosomal RNAs from two plants: rape and white beet. Nucleic Acids Research 15(1): 363 (1987)
1 T. I. Serenkova, A. M. Mazo, T. D. Mashkova, I. Toots, A. Nigul, M. Ya Timofeeva, L. L. Kisselev: The secondary structure of oocyte and somatic 5S ribosomal RNAs of the fish Misgurnus fossilis L. from nuclease hydrolyses and chemical modification data. Nucleic Acids Research 12(13): 5385-5404 (1984)

Coauthor Index

1Miroslawa Z. Barciszewska [2] [3]
2Jan Barciszewski [2] [3]
3Anatoly S. Frolov [5]
4I. V. Ischenko [4]
5Alexander E. Kel [4]
6Alexey V. Kochetov [4] [5]
7Nikolay A. Kolchanov [4] [5]
8T. D. Mashkova [1] [2] [3]
9A. M. Mazo [1]
10M. Nalaskowska [3]
11A. Nigul [1]
12Mikhail P. Ponomarenko [5]
13T. I. Serenkova [1]
14M. Ya Timofeeva [1]
15I. Toots [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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