
Chris Kimble

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26EEIsabelle Bourdon, Chris Kimble: An Analysis of Key Factors for the Success of the Communal Management of Knowledge CoRR abs/0804.2844: (2008)
25EEPamela Baillette, Chris Kimble: The Concept of Appropriation as a Heuristic for Conceptualising the Relationship between Technology, People and Organisations CoRR abs/0804.2847: (2008)
24EERichard Ribeiro, Chris Kimble: Identifying 'Hidden' Communities of Practice within Electronic Networks: Some Preliminary Premises CoRR abs/0804.2851: (2008)
23EEDavid King, Chris Kimble: Philosophical Smoke Signals: Theory and Practice in Information Systems Design CoRR abs/0804.2852: (2008)
22EEMohd Syazwan Abdullah, Ian D. Benest, Richard F. Paige, Chris Kimble: Using Unified Modeling Language for Conceptual Modelling of Knowledge-Based Systems. ER 2007: 438-453
21EEI-Hsien Ting, Chris Kimble, Daniel Kudenko: Applying Web Usage Mining Techniques to Discover Potential Browsing Problems of Users. ICALT 2007: 929-930
20EEI-Hsien Ting, Lillian Clark, Chris Kimble, Daniel Kudenko, Peter Wright: APD-A Tool for Identifying Behavioural Patterns Automatically from Clickstream Data. KES (2) 2007: 66-73
19EEMohd Syazwan Abdullah, Richard F. Paige, Chris Kimble, Ian D. Benest: A UML Profile for Knowledge-Based Systems Modelling. SERA 2007: 871-878
18 Mohd Syazwan Abdullah, Richard F. Paige, Ian D. Benest, Chris Kimble: Knowledge Modelling Using UML Profile for Knowledge-Based Systems Development. Emerging Artificial Intelligence Applications in Computer Engineering 2007: 74-89
17EEMohd Syazwan Abdullah, Richard F. Paige, Ian D. Benest, Chris Kimble: Knowledge Modelling Using The UML Profile. AIAI 2006: 70-77
16EEChris Kimble: Invited talk - Communities of Practice: Never Knowingly Undersold. EC-TEL Workshops 2006
15 Mohd Syazwan Abdullah, Richard F. Paige, Ian D. Benest, Chris Kimble: Knowledge Engineering Using the UML Profile - Adopting the Model-Driven Architecture for Knowledge-Based System Development. ICEIS (2) 2006: 74-81
14EEI-Hsien Ting, Chris Kimble, Daniel Kudenko: A Pattern Restore Method for Restoring Missing Patterns in Server Side Clickstream Data. APWeb 2005: 501-512
13 Mohd Syazwan Abdullah, Richard F. Paige, Ian D. Benest, Chris Kimble: Unified Modeling Language for Knowledge Modelling. CIMCA/IAWTIC 2005: 952-957
12 José Braga de Vasconcelos, Paulo Castro Seixas, Paulo Gens Lemos, Chris Kimble: Knowledge Management in Non-Governmental Organisations - A Partnership for the Future. ICEIS (2) 2005: 17-26
11EEI-Hsien Ting, Chris Kimble, Daniel Kudenko: UBB Mining: Finding Unexpected Browsing Behaviour in Clickstream Data to Improve a Web Site's Design. Web Intelligence 2005: 179-185
10 Chris Kimble, Paul Hildreth: Virtual Communities in Practice. Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology (V) 2005: 2991-2995
9EEMohd Syazwan Abdullah, Chris Kimble, Richard F. Paige, Ian D. Benest, Andy Evans: Developing a UML Profile for Modelling Knowledge-Based Systems. MDAFA 2004: 220-233
8EEDavid King, Chris Kimble: Uncovering the epistemological and ontological assumptions of software designers CoRR cs.SE/0406022: (2004)
7EEDavid King, Chris Kimble: Notions of Equivalence in Software Design CoRR cs.SE/0406023: (2004)
6EEPaul Hildreth, Chris Kimble: Knowledge networks: innovation through communities of practice. Inf. Res. 9(4): (2004)
5EEJosé Braga de Vasconcelos, Chris Kimble, Álvaro Rocha: Organisational Memory Information Systems An example of a Group Memory System for the Management of Group Competencies. J. UCS 9(12): 1410-1427 (2003)
4EEPaul Hildreth, Chris Kimble: The duality of knowledge. Inf. Res. 8(1): (2002)
3EEChris Kimble, Kevin McLoughlin: Computer based Information Systems and Managers' Work CoRR cs.CY/0102029: (2001)
2EEPaul Hildreth, Chris Kimble, Peter Wright: Communities of Practice in the Distributed International Environment CoRR cs.HC/0101012: (2001)
1EEChris Kimble, Paul Hildreth, Peter Wright: Communities of Practice: Going Virtual CoRR cs.HC/0102028: (2001)

Coauthor Index

1Mohd Syazwan Abdullah [9] [13] [15] [17] [18] [19] [22]
2Pamela Baillette [25]
3Ian D. Benest [9] [13] [15] [17] [18] [19] [22]
4Isabelle Bourdon [26]
5Lillian Clark [20]
6Andy Evans [9]
7Paul Hildreth [1] [2] [4] [6] [10]
8David King [7] [8] [23]
9Daniel Kudenko [11] [14] [20] [21]
10Paulo Gens Lemos [12]
11Kevin McLoughlin [3]
12Richard F. Paige [9] [13] [15] [17] [18] [19] [22]
13Richard Ribeiro [24]
14Álvaro Rocha [5]
15Paulo Castro Seixas [12]
16I-Hsien Ting [11] [14] [20] [21]
17José Braga de Vasconcelos [5] [12]
18Peter Wright [1] [2] [20]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)