
Yuseok Kim

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5EEYuseok Kim, Wei Kang Tsai, Mahadevan Iyer, Jordi Ros: Minimum Rate Guarantee Without Per-Flow Information. ICNP 1999: 155-162
4 Wei Kang Tsai, Yuseok Kim: Re-Examining Maxmin Protocols: A Fundamental Study on Convergence, Complexity, Variations, and Performance. INFOCOM 1999: 811-818
3EEWei Kang Tsai, Lee Chuan Hu, Yuseok Kim: A Temporal-Spatial Flow Control Protocol for ABR in Integrated Networks. IDMS 1998: 207-218
2EEK. H. (Kane) Kim, Yuseok Kim: An Experimental Investigation of the Potential of BLF-driven Scheduling of Real-time Threads. ICECCS 1996: 60-67
1EEK. H. (Kane) Kim, Luiz F. Bacellar, Yuseok Kim, Chittur Subbaraman, Hankil Yoon, Jung-Guk Kim, Kee-Wook Rim: A timeliness-guaranteed kernel model-DREAM kernel-and implementation techniques. RTCSA 1995: 80-87

Coauthor Index

1Luiz F. Bacellar [1]
2Lee Chuan Hu [3]
3Mahadevan Iyer [5]
4Jung-Guk Kim [1]
5K. H. (Kane) Kim (K. H. Kim, Kane Kim) [1] [2]
6Kee-Wook Rim [1]
7Jordi Ros [5]
8Chittur Subbaraman [1]
9Wei Kang Tsai [3] [4] [5]
10Hankil Yoon [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)