
Jung Hee Kim

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9 Trevillian Highter, Jung Hee Kim, Jung Hyoun Kim, John Kelly: An Efficient Database for Environmental Monitoring through Wireless Sensor Network. IKE 2008: 67-70
8 Gi Yeon Park, Jung Hyoun Kim, Jung Hee Kim, John Kelly: Face Detection and Recogntion Using Geometrical Features. IPCV 2008: 363-368
7EEHyun-Ho Kim, Jung Hee Kim, Yong-hyeog Kang, Young Ik Eom: An Energy-Tree Based Routing Algorithm in Wireless Ad-Hoc Network Environments. PATMOS 2005: 156-165
6EEJung Hee Kim, Michael Glass: Evaluating Dialogue Schemata with the Wizard of Oz Computer-Assisted Algebra Tutor. Intelligent Tutoring Systems 2004: 358-367
5EEJung Hee Kim, Hyun-chul Sim, Yong-hyeog Kang, Young Ik Eom: Design and Implementation of a Remote Debugger for Concurrent Debugging of Multiple Processes in Embedded Linux Systems. NPC 2004: 280-283
4 Niraj Patel, Michael Glass, Jung Hee Kim: Data Collection Applications for the NC A&T State University Algebra Tutoring Dialogue (Wooz Tutor) Project. MAICS 2003: 120-125
3 Jie Zhao, Jung Hee Kim, Martha W. Evens: Comparison of Student Initiatives in Keyboard-to-Keyboard and Face-to-Face Tutoring Sessions. MAICS 2003: 178-183
2 Feng-Jen Yang, Jung Hee Kim, Michael Glass, Martha W. Evens: Turn Planning in CIRCSIM-Tutor. FLAIRS Conference 2000: 60-64
1 Jung Hee Kim, Reva Freedman, Martha W. Evens: Responding to Unexpected Student Utterances in CIRCSIM-Tutor v.3: Analysis of Transcripts. FLAIRS Conference 1998: 151-157

Coauthor Index

1Young Ik Eom [5] [7]
2Martha W. Evens [1] [2] [3]
3Reva Freedman [1]
4Michael Glass [2] [4] [6]
5Trevillian Highter [9]
6Yong-hyeog Kang [5] [7]
7John Kelly [8] [9]
8Hyun-Ho Kim [7]
9Jung Hyoun Kim [8] [9]
10Gi Yeon Park [8]
11Niraj Patel [4]
12Hyun-chul Sim [5]
13Feng-Jen Yang [2]
14Jie Zhao [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)