
Jeong Ah Kim

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15EEJeong Ah Kim, Seung Yong Choi: Process Management Agent. MUE 2007: 419-424
14EEJeong Ah Kim, Seung Young Choi: Evaluation of Ontology Development Methodology with CMM-i. SERA 2007: 823-827
13EEJeong Ah Kim, Seung Yong Choi, Rhan Jung: Agent Based Process Management Environment - Mercury. JIKM 6(2): 127-137 (2007)
12 Jeong Ah Kim: Case study of product line engineering in insurance company. IRI 2006: 303-306
11 Jeong Ah Kim: Variability management with ACM (Adaptable Component Model) for insurance product line. IRI 2006: 359-362
10 Seung Yong Choi, Hee Yong Youn, Jeong Ah Kim: Mercury: A Process Management System based on the Agent Technology. SEDE 2006: 9-14
9EEJeong Ah Kim, YoungTaek Jin, Sun-Myung Hwang: Study of Agent Based Process Management Environment -Mercury. SERA 2006: 132-136
8EESun-Myung Hwang, Jin-Sam Kim, Jeong Ah Kim: An Elicitation Approach of Measurement Indicator Based on Product Line Context. SERA 2006: 412-416
7EEJeong Ah Kim, YoungTaek Jin, Sun-Myung Hwang: A Business Component Approach for Supporting the Variability of the Business Strategies and Rules. ICCSA (3) 2005: 846-857
6EEJeong Ah Kim, Kyung-Whan Lee: Binary Component Adaptation Technique and Supporting Tool. SERA 2005: 14-21
5EEJeong Ah Kim, JinYoung Taek, Sun-Myung Hwang: Rule-based Component Development. SERA 2005: 70-74
4 Jeong Ah Kim: Component Adaptation Through Adaptation Components. Software Engineering Research and Practice 2003: 379-383
3 Jeong Ah Kim: How to develop and to reuse the UniPDM framework. Softw., Pract. Exper. 32(8): 737-754 (2002)
2 Kang-Tae Kim, Je-Min Bae, Jeong Ah Kim, Kyung-Whan Lee: Developing O-O Framework for Web Collaboration System. Applied Informatics 1999: 165-167
1EEJeong Ah Kim, Jin Hong Kim, Namkyu Park: Development of PDM Framework and Customization Environment. TOOLS (28) 1998: 40-

Coauthor Index

1Je-Min Bae [2]
2Seung Yong Choi [10] [13] [15]
3Seung Young Choi [14]
4Sun-Myung Hwang [5] [7] [8] [9]
5YoungTaek Jin [7] [9]
6Rhan Jung [13]
7Jin Hong Kim [1]
8Jin-Sam Kim [8]
9Kang-Tae Kim [2]
10Kyung-Whan Lee [2] [6]
11Namkyu Park [1]
12JinYoung Taek [5]
13Hee Yong Youn [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)