
Jaegon Kim

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4EEYongju Cho, Syed A. Khayam, Shirish S. Karande, Hayder Radha, Jaegon Kim, Jinwoo Hong: A Multi-Tier Model for BER Prediction over Wireless Residual Channels. CISS 2007: 450-455
3EEShirish S. Karande, Syed A. Khayam, Yongju Cho, Kiran Misra, Hayder Radha, Jaegon Kim, Jin-Woo Hong: On Channel State Inference and Prediction Using Observable Variables in 802.11b Network. ICC 2007: 4554-4559
2EEKyunghee Ji, Nammee Moon, Jaegon Kim: Implementation on Event Notification Service over Multimedia Framework. ACIS-ICIS 2005: 188-193
1EEKyunghee Ji, Nammee Moon, Jaegon Kim: Event Notification System for Multi-platfor. SERA 2005: 192-197

Coauthor Index

1Yongju Cho [3] [4]
2Jin-Woo Hong [3]
3Jinwoo Hong [4]
4Kyunghee Ji [1] [2]
5Shirish S. Karande [3] [4]
6Syed A. Khayam [3] [4]
7Kiran Misra [3]
8Nammee Moon [1] [2]
9Hayder Radha [3] [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)