
Jae-Gon Kim

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23EETruong Cong Thang, Jung Won Kang, Jeong-Ju Yoo, Jae-Gon Kim: Multilayer adaptation for MGS-based SVC bitstream. ACM Multimedia 2008: 689-692
22EEJong-Ki Han, Jae-Gon Kim: Design of Asymmetric VQ Codebooks Incorporating Channel Coding. IEICE Transactions 91-A(8): 2195-2204 (2008)
21EEKwang-deok Seo, Jin-won Lee, Soon-heung Jung, Jae-Gon Kim: Media Synchronization Framework for SVC Video Transport over IP Networks. International Conference on Computational Science (4) 2007: 621-628
20EEYong Wang, Jae-Gon Kim, Shih-Fu Chang, Hyung-Myung Kim: Utility-Based Video Adaptation for Universal Multimedia Access (UMA) and Content-Based Utility Function Prediction for Real-Time Video Transcoding. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 9(2): 213-220 (2007)
19EESang-Min Kwak, Jae-Gon Kim, Jong-Ki Han: Efficient Rate Control Scheme Using Complexity of Macro Block for MPEG-2 Transcoder. IEICE Transactions 90-D(8): 1316-1319 (2007)
18EESung-Eun Kim, Jong-Ki Han, Jae-Gon Kim: An efficient scheme for motion estimation using multireference frames in H.264/AVC. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 8(3): 457-466 (2006)
17EEJae-Gon Kim, Gu Su Kim, Young Ik Eom: Design of the Mobile Agent Anonymity Framework in Ubiquitous Computing Environments. IEICE Transactions 89-D(12): 2990-2993 (2006)
16EETaeho Kim, Jae-Gon Kim: Heterogeneity in and Determinants of Technical Efficiency in the Use of Polluting Inputs. ICCSA (4) 2005: 280-289
15EEJae-Gon Kim, Marc Goetschalckx: A Mixed Integer Programming Model for Modifying a Block Layout to Facilitate Smooth Material Flows. ICCSA (4) 2005: 322-332
14EESung-Eun Kim, Jong-Ki Han, Jae-Gon Kim: Efficient motion estimation algorithm for MPEG-4 to H.264 transcoder. ICIP (3) 2005: 656-659
13EEMunjo Kim, Sanggil Kang, Munchurl Kim, Jae-Gon Kim: Target Advertisement Service Using TV Viewers' Profile Inference. PCM (1) 2005: 202-211
12EEJin-Soo Kim, Jae-Gon Kim: Efficient Control for the Distortion Incurred by Dropping DCT Coefficients in Compressed Domain. PCM (1) 2005: 653-663
11EESeong Park, Kwang-deok Seo, Jae-Gon Kim, Samuel Moon-Ho Song: Automatic Dissolve Detection Scheme Based on Visual Rhythm Spectrum. PCM (1) 2005: 787-798
10EEGwang-Gook Lee, Eui-Jin Kim, Jung Kang, Jae-Gon Kim, Whoi-Yul Kim: A Method of Generating Table of Contents for Educational Videos. PCM (2) 2005: 129-140
9EED. Mukherjee, E. Delfosse, Jae-Gon Kim, Yong Wang: Optimal adaptation decision-taking for terminal and network quality-of-service. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 7(3): 454-462 (2005)
8EEJae-Gon Kim, Gu Su Kim, Young Ik Eom: Lightweight Mobile Agent Authentication Scheme for Home Network Environments. CIS 2004: 853-859
7 Jin-Soo Kim, Jae-Gon Kim, Kyeongok Kang, Jinwoong Kim: A distortion control scheme for allocating constant distortion in FD-CD video transcoder. ICME 2004: 161-164
6 Yong Wang, Jae-Gon Kim, Shih-Fu Chang: Content-based utility function prediction for real-time MPEG-4 video transcoding. ICIP (1) 2003: 189-192
5EEJae-Gon Kim, Yeong-Dae Kim: A linear programming-based algorithm for floorplanning in VLSI design. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 22(5): 584-592 (2003)
4EEYoung-tae Kim, Jae-Gon Kim, Hyun Sung Chang, Kyeongok Kang, Jinwoong Kim: Content-Based News Video Retrieval with Closed Captions and Time Alignment. IEEE Pacific Rim Conference on Multimedia 2001: 879-884
3 Jae-Gon Kim, Hyun Sung Chang, Jinwoong Kim, Hyung-Myung Kim: Efficient Camera Motion Characterization for MPEG Video Indexing. IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (II) 2000: 1171-1174
2 Jae-Gon Kim, Hyun Sung Chang, Munchurl Kim, Jinwoong Kim, Hyung-Myung Kim: Summary description schemes for efficient video navigation and browsing. VCIP 2000: 1397-1408
1 Taehwan Shin, Jae-Gon Kim, Jinwoong Kim, Byung-Ha An: Statistical approach to shot-boundary detection in an MPEG-2-compressed video sequence. VCIP 2000: 143-151

Coauthor Index

1Byung-Ha An [1]
2Hyun Sung Chang [2] [3] [4]
3Shih-Fu Chang [6] [20]
4E. Delfosse [9]
5Young Ik Eom [8] [17]
6Marc Goetschalckx [15]
7Jong-Ki Han [14] [18] [19] [22]
8Soon-heung Jung [21]
9Jung Kang [10]
10Jung Won Kang [23]
11Kyeongok Kang [4] [7]
12Sanggil Kang [13]
13Eui-Jin Kim [10]
14Gu Su Kim [8] [17]
15Hyung-Myung Kim [2] [3] [20]
16Jin-Soo Kim [7] [12]
17Jinwoong Kim [1] [2] [3] [4] [7]
18Munchurl Kim [2] [13]
19Munjo Kim [13]
20Sung-Eun Kim [14] [18]
21Taeho Kim [16]
22Whoi-Yul Kim [10]
23Yeong-Dae Kim [5]
24Young-tae Kim [4]
25Sang-Min Kwak [19]
26Gwang-Gook Lee [10]
27Jin-won Lee [21]
28D. Mukherjee [9]
29Seong Park [11]
30Kwang-deok Seo [11] [21]
31Taehwan Shin [1]
32Samuel Moon-Ho Song [11]
33Truong Cong Thang [23]
34Yong Wang [6] [9] [20]
35Jeong-Ju Yoo [23]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)