
Hürevren Kiliç

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6EESanjay Misra, Hürevren Kiliç: Measurement theory and validation criteria for software complexity measures. ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 32(2): 1-3 (2007)
5EEKasim Oztoprak, Hürevren Kiliç: Protocol and Connectivity Based Overlay Level Capacity Calculation of P2P Networks. IAT Workshops 2006: 447-450
4EERemzi Celebi, Huseyin Ellezer, Cem Baylam, Ibrahim Cereci, Hürevren Kiliç: Process Matchmaking on a P2P Environment. IAT Workshops 2006: 463-466
3EESanjay Misra, Hürevren Kiliç: Measurement theory and validation criteria for software complexity measures. ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 31(6): 1-3 (2006)
2 Hürevren Kiliç: Identification of structure in nondeterministic cyclic social conventions. ICINCO 2005: 355-359
1EEHürevren Kiliç: Some Intrinsic Properties of Interacting Deterministic Finite Automata. ISCIS 2003: 107-114

Coauthor Index

1Cem Baylam [4]
2Remzi Celebi [4]
3Ibrahim Cereci [4]
4Huseyin Ellezer [4]
5Sanjay Misra [3] [6]
6Kasim Oztoprak [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)