
Hubert Kihl

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6EENicolas Coudray, Jean-Luc Buessler, Hubert Kihl, Jean-Philippe Urban: Multi-scale and First Derivative Analysis for Edge Detection in TEM Images. ICIAR 2007: 1005-1016
5EEW. Jacquet, Hubert Kihl, Julien Gresser, S. Breton: Function approximation with hyperplan-based self-organising maps. KES 2000: 197-200
4EER. Kara, Patrice Wira, Hubert Kihl: Robot vision tracking with a hierarchical CMAC controller. KES 2000: 271-274
3EEAndrei Cimponeriu, Hubert Kihl: Intelligent control with the growing competitive linear local mapping neural network for robotic hand-eye coordination. KES (3) 1998: 46-52
2 Hubert Kihl, Jean-Philippe Urban, Julien Gresser, Stefan Hagmann: Neural network based hand-eye positioning with a transputer-based system. HPCN Europe 1995: 281-286
1 Stefan Hagmann, Hubert Kihl, Daniel Kuhn, Jean-Philippe Urban: A Transputer-Based Visually-Guided Robot System Using Neuro-Control. HPCN 1994: 390-395

Coauthor Index

1S. Breton [5]
2Jean-Luc Buessler [6]
3Andrei Cimponeriu [3]
4Nicolas Coudray [6]
5Julien Gresser [2] [5]
6Stefan Hagmann [1] [2]
7W. Jacquet [5]
8R. Kara [4]
9Daniel Kuhn [1]
10Jean-Philippe Urban [1] [2] [6]
11Patrice Wira [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)