
Eik Fun Khor

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12EEEik Fun Khor, Kay Chen Tan, Tong Heng Lee, Chi Keong Goh: A Study on Distribution Preservation Mechanism in Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimization. Artif. Intell. Rev. 23(1): 31-33 (2005)
11 Kay Chen Tan, Eik Fun Khor, Tong Heng Lee, Y. J. Yang: A Tabu-Based Exploratory Evolutionary Algorithm for Multiobjective Optimization. Artif. Intell. Rev. 19(3): 231-260 (2003)
10EEKay Chen Tan, Eik Fun Khor, Tong Heng Lee, Ramasubramanian Sathikannan: An Evolutionary Algorithm with Advanced Goal and Priority Specification for Multi-objective Optimization. J. Artif. Intell. Res. (JAIR) 18: 183-215 (2003)
9 Kay Chen Tan, Tong Heng Lee, Eik Fun Khor: Evolutionary Algorithms for Multi-Objective Optimization: Performance Assessments and Comparisons. Artif. Intell. Rev. 17(4): 251-290 (2002)
8 Kay Chen Tan, Eik Fun Khor, Ji Cai, C. M. Heng, Tong Heng Lee: Automating the drug scheduling of cancer chemotherapy via evolutionary computation. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 25(2): 169-185 (2002)
7EEKay Chen Tan, Tong Heng Lee, Eik Fun Khor, D. C. Ang: Design and real-time implementation of a multivariable gyro-mirror line-of-sight stabilization platform. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 128(1): 81-93 (2002)
6EEEik Fun Khor, Kay Chen Tan, Tong Heng Lee: Learning the Search Range for Evolutionary Optimization in Dynamic Environments. Knowl. Inf. Syst. 4(2): 228-255 (2002)
5EEKay Chen Tan, Tong Heng Lee, Eik Fun Khor: Incrementing Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithms: Performance Studies and Comparisons. EMO 2001: 111-125
4EEEik Fun Khor, Kay Chen Tan, Tong Heng Lee: Tabu-Based Exploratory Evolutionary Algorithm for Effective Multi-objective Optimization. EMO 2001: 344-358
3 Kay Chen Tan, Tong Heng Lee, Eik Fun Khor: Evolutionary algorithms with dynamic population size and local exploration for multiobjective optimization. IEEE Trans. Evolutionary Computation 5(6): 565-588 (2001)
2 Kay Chen Tan, Tong Heng Lee, D. Khoo, Eik Fun Khor: A multiobjective evolutionary algorithm toolbox for computer-aided multiobjective optimization. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B 31(4): 537-556 (2001)
1 Kay Chen Tan, Tong Heng Lee, Eik Fun Khor: Automatic Design of Multivariable QFT Control System via Evolutionary Computation. EvoWorkshops 2000: 178-194

Coauthor Index

1D. C. Ang [7]
2Ji Cai [8]
3Chi Keong Goh [12]
4C. M. Heng [8]
5D. Khoo [2]
6Tong Heng Lee [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12]
7Ramasubramanian Sathikannan [10]
8Kay Chen Tan [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12]
9Y. J. Yang [11]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)