
Shoab Ahmed Khan

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8EEImran Hussain, Sadia Hussain, Imtiaz Khokhar, Raja Iqbal, Mofassir ul Haque, Shoab Ahmed Khan: Comparative analysis of OFDMA and MC-IDMA multiple access techniques for XG wireless applications. EATIS 2007: 24
7EERafia Mumtaz, Raja Iqbal, Shoab Ahmed Khan: Image Enhancement Using Nonsubsampled Contourlet Transform. Intelligent Information Processing 2006: 391-400
6EERizwan Ghaffar, Noman Jafri, Shoab Ahmed Khan: Depth Extraction System Using Stereo Pairs. ICIAR (2) 2004: 512-519
5EEAbdul Ghafoor, Rao Naveed Iqbal, Shoab Ahmed Khan: Modified Chamfer Matching Algorithm. IDEAL 2003: 1102-1106
4EEAbdul Ghafoor, Rao Naveed Iqbal, Shoab Ahmed Khan: Image Matching Using Distance Transform. SCIA 2003: 654-660
3 Wasif Latif, Aniq Shahid, Faisal Saud, Saqib Ali, Shoab Ahmed Khan: Exploring Multiple Levels of Parallelism for Regular and Irregular Algorithms using BOPS'DSP. Computers and Their Applications 2002: 335-338
2 Muhammad Sohail Sadiq, Shoab Ahmed Khan: Scheduling of Digital Signal Processing Algorithms on StarCore VLIW DSP. ISCA PDCS 2001: 196-199
1EEShoab Ahmed Khan, Vijay K. Madisetti: System Partitioning of MCMs for Low Power. IEEE Design & Test of Computers 12(1): 41-52 (1995)

Coauthor Index

1Saqib Ali [3]
2Rizwan Ghaffar [6]
3Abdul Ghafoor [4] [5]
4Mofassir ul Haque [8]
5Imran Hussain [8]
6Sadia Hussain [8]
7Raja Iqbal [7] [8]
8Rao Naveed Iqbal [4] [5]
9Noman Jafri [6]
10Imtiaz Khokhar [8]
11Wasif Latif [3]
12Vijay K. Madisetti [1]
13Rafia Mumtaz [7]
14Muhammad Sohail Sadiq [2]
15Faisal Saud [3]
16Aniq Shahid [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)