
Saqib Ali

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8EESaqib Ali, Torab Torabi, Ben Soh: Rule component specification for business process deployment. DEXA Workshops 2007: 595-599
7 Hassan Ali, Saqib Ali, Torab Torabi: Mobile Business Process Deployment in Device Independence & Context-aware Environment. iiWAS 2007: 191-202
6EESaqib Ali, Torab Torabi, Hassan Ali: Location Aware Business Process Deployment. ICCSA (4) 2006: 217-225
5 Adil M. Hammadi, Saqib Ali, Fei Liu: A New Modelling Approach to Enhance Reliability of Transactional Oriented Web-Services. iiWAS 2006: 203-212
4EESaqib Ali, Ben Soh, Torab Torabi: A novel approach toward integration of rules into business processes using an agent-oriented framework. IEEE Trans. Industrial Informatics 2(3): 145-154 (2006)
3EESaqib Ali, Ben Soh, Torab Torabi: Design and Implementation of a Model for Business Rules Automation. ICITA (1) 2005: 40-45
2EESaqib Ali, Ben Soh, Torab Torabi: A New Adaptive Business Model for E-Commerce. ICITA (1) 2005: 99-102
1 Wasif Latif, Aniq Shahid, Faisal Saud, Saqib Ali, Shoab Ahmed Khan: Exploring Multiple Levels of Parallelism for Regular and Irregular Algorithms using BOPS'DSP. Computers and Their Applications 2002: 335-338

Coauthor Index

1Hassan Ali [6] [7]
2Adil M. Hammadi [5]
3Shoab Ahmed Khan [1]
4Wasif Latif [1]
5Fei Liu [5]
6Faisal Saud [1]
7Aniq Shahid [1]
8Ben Soh [2] [3] [4] [8]
9Torab Torabi [2] [3] [4] [6] [7] [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)