
M. Erkan Keremoglu

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4EEDirk Beyer, M. Erkan Keremoglu: CPAchecker: A Tool for Configurable Software Verification CoRR abs/0902.0019: (2009)
3EEDirk Beyer, Alessandro Cimatti, Alberto Griggio, M. Erkan Keremoglu, Roberto Sebastiani: Software Model Checking via Large-Block Encoding CoRR abs/0904.4709: (2009)
2EEM. Erkan Keremoglu, Serdar Tasiran, Tayfun Elmas: A classification of concurrency bugs in java benchmarks by developer intent. PADTAD 2006: 23-26
1EESerdar Tasiran, Tayfun Elmas, Guven Bolukbasi, M. Erkan Keremoglu: A Novel Test Coverage Metric for Concurrently-Accessed Software Components. FATES 2005: 62-71

Coauthor Index

1Dirk Beyer [3] [4]
2Guven Bolukbasi [1]
3Alessandro Cimatti [3]
4Tayfun Elmas [1] [2]
5Alberto Griggio [3]
6Roberto Sebastiani [3]
7Serdar Tasiran [1] [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)