
Kurtis Keller

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7EEAndrei State, Kurtis Keller, Henry Fuchs: Simulation-Based Design and Rapid Prototyping of a Parallax-Free, Orthoscopic Video See-Through Head-Mounted Display. ISMAR 2005: 28-31
6EEMichael Rosenthal, Andrei State, Joohi Lee, Gentaro Hirota, Jeremy Ackerman, Kurtis Keller, Etta D. Pisano, Michael R. Jiroutek, Keith E. Muller, Henry Fuchs: Augmented Reality Guidance for Needle Biopsies: A Randomized, Controlled Trial in Phantoms. MICCAI 2001: 240-248
5 Greg Welch, Gary Bishop, Leandra Vicci, Stephen Brumback, Kurtis Keller, D'nardo Colucci: High-Performance Wide-Area Optical Tracking: The HiBall Tracking System. Presence 10(1): 1-21 (2001)
4 Kurtis Keller, Jeremy Ackerman: Real-time Structured Light Depth Extraction. Three-Dimensional Image Capture and Applications 2000: 11-18
3EEGreg Welch, Gary Bishop, Leandra Vicci, Stephen Brumback, Kurtis Keller, D'nardo Colucci: The HiBall Tracker: high-performance wide-area tracking for virtual and augmented environments. VRST 1999: 1-10
2EEHenry Fuchs, Mark A. Livingston, Ramesh Raskar, D'nardo Colucci, Kurtis Keller, Andrei State, Jessica R. Crawford, Paul Rademacher, Samuel H. Drake, Anthony A. Meyer: Augmented Reality Visualization for Laparoscopic Surgery. MICCAI 1998: 934-943
1 Emily K. Edwards, Jannick P. Rolland, Kurtis Keller: Video See-through Design for Merging of Real and Virtual Environments. VR 1993: 223-233

Coauthor Index

1Jeremy Ackerman [4] [6]
2Gary Bishop [3] [5]
3Stephen Brumback [3] [5]
4D'nardo Colucci [2] [3] [5]
5Jessica R. Crawford [2]
6Samuel H. Drake [2]
7Emily K. Edwards [1]
8Henry Fuchs [2] [6] [7]
9Gentaro Hirota [6]
10Michael R. Jiroutek [6]
11Joohi Lee [6]
12Mark A. Livingston [2]
13Anthony A. Meyer [2]
14Keith E. Muller [6]
15Etta D. Pisano [6]
16Paul Rademacher [2]
17Ramesh Raskar [2]
18Jannick P. Rolland [1]
19Michael Rosenthal [6]
20Andrei State [2] [6] [7]
21Leandra Vicci [3] [5]
22Greg Welch (Gregory F. Welch) [3] [5]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)