
Ed Keedwell

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10EEEd Keedwell, Ajit Narayanan: Gene finding and rule discovery with a multi-objective neural-genetic hybrid. GECCO 2007: 428
9EEYufeng Guo, Ed Keedwell, Godfrey A. Walters, Soon-Thiam Khu: Hybridizing Cellular Automata Principles and NSGAII for Multi-objective Design of Urban Water Networks. EMO 2006: 546-559
8 Thorhildur Juliusdottir, David Corne, Ed Keedwell, Ajit Narayanan: Two-Phase EA/k-NN for Feature Selection and Classification in Cancer Microarray Datasets. CIBCB 2005: 1-8
7EEA. Krishna, Ajit Narayanan, Ed Keedwell: Neural Networks and Temporal Gene Expression Data. EvoWorkshops 2005: 64-73
6EEEd Keedwell, Ajit Narayanan: Discovering Gene Networks with a Neural-Genetic Hybrid. IEEE/ACM Trans. Comput. Biology Bioinform. 2(3): 231-242 (2005)
5EEEd Keedwell, Soon-Thiam Khu: Hybrid Genetic Algorithms for Multi-Objective Optimisation of Water Distribution Networks. GECCO (2) 2004: 1042-1053
4EEAjit Narayanan, Ed Keedwell, Jonas Gamalielsson, S. Tatineni: Single-layer artificial neural networks for gene expression analysis. Neurocomputing 61: 217-240 (2004)
3EEEd Keedwell, Ajit Narayanan: Genetic Algorithms for Gene Expression Analysis. EvoWorkshops 2003: 76-86
2EEEd Keedwell, Florian Bessler, Ajit Narayanan, Dragan A. Savic: From data mining to rule refining A new tool for post data mining rule optimisation. ICTAI 2000: 82-85
1EEEd Keedwell, Ajit Narayanan, Dragan A. Savic: Creating rules from trained networks using genetic algorithms. Int. J. Comput. Syst. Signal 1(1): 30-42 (2000)

Coauthor Index

1Florian Bessler [2]
2David W. Corne (David Corne) [8]
3Jonas Gamalielsson [4]
4Yufeng Guo [9]
5Thorhildur Juliusdottir [8]
6Soon-Thiam Khu [5] [9]
7A. Krishna [7]
8Ajit Narayanan [1] [2] [3] [4] [6] [7] [8] [10]
9Dragan A. Savic [1] [2]
10S. Tatineni [4]
11Godfrey A. Walters [9]

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