
Tohru Kawabe

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9EETohru Kawabe: BMI Based RHC Method for Wheelchair. ICCHP 2008: 1250-1260
8EEKenji Tanaka, Takio Kurita, Tohru Kawabe: Selection of Import Vectors via Binary Particle Swarm Optimization and Cross-Validation for Kernel Logistic Regression. IJCNN 2007: 1037-1042
7 Tohru Kawabe, Takuto Motoyama: Receding horizon control of sampled data systems based on dividing genetic computation. Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing 2006: 279-284
6EEKenji Tanaka, Takio Kurita, Friedrich Meyer, Luc Berthouze, Tohru Kawabe: Stepwise Feature Selection by Cross Validation for EEG-based Brain Computer Interface. IJCNN 2006: 4672-4677
5 Tetsushi Ueta, Takuji Kousaka, Tohru Kawabe, Sang-Ho Hyon: Partial external force control for piecewise smooth dynamical systems. Circuits, Signals, and Systems 2004: 108-113
4 Takanori Tagami, Kenji Ikeda, Tohru Kawabe: Design of Robust I-PD Controller based on Paretooptimality: Comparison with Generalized ISE. Modelling, Identification and Control 2003: 566-571
3 Tohru Kawabe, Kentaro Hirata: A New Approach to Finite RHC of Constrained Systems with Disturbances. Modelling, Identification and Control 2003: 591-594
2EEYoko Uwate, Yoshifumi Nishio, Tetsushi Ueta, Tohru Kawabe, Tohru Ikeguchi: Solving ability of Hopfield neural network with chaotic noise and burst noise for quadratic assignment problem. ISCAS (3) 2002: 465-468
1 Tohru Kawabe, Takanori Tagami: New Genetic Algorithm using Pareto Partitioning Method for Robust Partial Model Matching PID Design with Two Degrees of Freedom. IIA/SOCO 1999

Coauthor Index

1Luc Berthouze [6]
2Kentaro Hirata [3]
3Sang-Ho Hyon [5]
4Kenji Ikeda [4]
5Tohru Ikeguchi [2]
6Takuji Kousaka [5]
7Takio Kurita [6] [8]
8Friedrich Meyer [6]
9Takuto Motoyama [7]
10Yoshifumi Nishio [2]
11Takanori Tagami [1] [4]
12Kenji Tanaka [6] [8]
13Tetsushi Ueta [2] [5]
14Yoko Uwate [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)