
Anand Kashyap

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7EEAnand Kashyap, Samrat Ganguly, Samir R. Das: Measurement-based approaches for accurate simulation of 802.11-based wireless networks. MSWiM 2008: 54-59
6EEAnand Kashyap, Samrat Ganguly, Samir R. Das, Suman Banerjee: VoIP on Wireless Meshes: Models, Algorithms and Evaluation. INFOCOM 2007: 2036-2044
5EEAnand Kashyap, Samrat Ganguly, Samir R. Das: A measurement-based approach to modeling link capacity in 802.11-based wireless networks. MOBICOM 2007: 242-253
4EEAnand Kashyap, Samrat Ganguly, Samir R. Das: A measurement-based model for estimating transmission capacity in a wireless mesh network. WINTECH 2006: 103-104
3EESamrat Ganguly, Vishnu Navda, Kyungtae Kim, Anand Kashyap, Dragor Niculescu, Rauf Izmailov, Sangjin Hong, Samir R. Das: Performance Optimizations for Deploying VoIP Services in Mesh Networks. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 24(11): 2147-2158 (2006)
2EEVishnu Navda, Anand Kashyap, Samir R. Das: Design and Evaluation of iMesh: An Infrastructure-Mode Wireless Mesh Network. WOWMOM 2005: 164-170
1EESwapnil Patil, Anand Kashyap, Gopalan Sivathanu, Erez Zadok: I3FS: An In-Kernel Integrity Checker and Intrusion Detection File System. LISA 2004: 67-78

Coauthor Index

1Suman Banerjee [6]
2Samir R. Das [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
3Samrat Ganguly [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
4Sangjin Hong [3]
5Rauf Izmailov [3]
6Kyungtae Kim [3]
7Vishnu Navda [2] [3]
8Dragor Niculescu [3]
9Swapnil Patil [1]
10Gopalan Sivathanu [1]
11Erez Zadok [1]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)