
Bill Kapralos

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11 Bill Kapralos, Michael Katchabaw, Jay Rajnovich: Proceedings of the 2008 Conference on Future Play: Research, Play, Share, Future Play 2008, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, November 3-5, 2008 ACM 2008
10EEBill Kapralos, Nathan Mekuz, Agnieszka Kopinska, Saad Khattak: Dimensionality reduced HRTFs: a comparative study. Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology 2008: 59-62
9EEBrent Cowan, Bill Kapralos: Spatial sound for video games and virtual environments utilizing real-time GPU-based convolution. Future Play 2008: 166-172
8EEAndrew Milner, Andrew Hogue, Bill Kapralos, John Friedlan: Interactive accounting simulation environment for accounting education and training. Future Play 2008: 258-259
7EEBrent Cowan, Matthew Shelley, Hamed Sabri, Bill Kapralos, Andrew Hogue, Michelle Hogan, Michael R. M. Jenkin, Sandra Goldsworthy, Louise Rose, Adam Dubrowski: Interprofessional care simulator for critical care education. Future Play 2008: 260-261
6EEBill Kapralos, Michael R. M. Jenkin, Evangelos E. Milios: Virtual Audio Systems. Presence 17(6): 527-549 (2008)
5EEBill Kapralos, Nathan Mekuz: Application of dimensionality reduction techniques to HRTFS for interactive virtual environments. Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology 2007: 256-257
4 Bill Kapralos, Michael R. M. Jenkin, Evangelos E. Milios: Diffraction modeling for interactive virtual acoustical environments. GRAPP (AS/IE) 2007: 241-248
3EELei Qi, Miguel Vargas Martin, Bill Kapralos, Mark Green, Miguel García-Ruiz: Toward Sound-Assisted Intrusion Detection Systems. OTM Conferences (2) 2007: 1634-1645
2 Asaf Shupo, Bill Kapralos, Miguel Vargas Martin: Statiscal-based skin classifier for omni-directional images. VISAPP (Special Sessions) 2007: 11-17
1EEBill Kapralos, Michael R. M. Jenkin, Evangelos E. Milios, John K. Tsotsos: Eyes 'n ears face detection. ICIP (1) 2001: 66-69

Coauthor Index

1Brent Cowan [7] [9]
2Adam Dubrowski [7]
3John Friedlan [8]
4Miguel García-Ruiz [3]
5Sandra Goldsworthy [7]
6Mark Green [3]
7Michelle Hogan [7]
8Andrew Hogue [7] [8]
9Michael R. M. Jenkin (Michael Jenkin) [1] [4] [6] [7]
10Michael Katchabaw (Michael James Katchabaw) [11]
11Saad Khattak [10]
12Agnieszka Kopinska [10]
13Miguel Vargas Martin [2] [3]
14Nathan Mekuz [5] [10]
15Evangelos E. Milios [1] [4] [6]
16Andrew Milner [8]
17Lei Qi [3]
18Jay Rajnovich [11]
19Louise Rose [7]
20Hamed Sabri [7]
21Matthew Shelley [7]
22Asaf Shupo [2]
23John K. Tsotsos [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)