
Hitoshi Kanoh

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10EEHitoshi Kanoh, Kenta Hara: Hybrid genetic algorithm for dynamic multi-objective route planning with predicted traffic in a real-world road network. GECCO 2008: 657-664
9EEHitoshi Kanoh, Souichi Tsukahara: Virus Evolution Strategy for Vehicle Routing Problems with Time Windows. PPSN 2008: 1041-1050
8EEHitoshi Kanoh, Yuusuke Sakamoto: Knowledge-based genetic algorithm for university course timetabling problems. KES Journal 12(4): 283-294 (2008)
7EEHitoshi Kanoh, Shohei Sato: Improved evolutionary design for rule-changing cellular automata based on the difficulty of problems. SMC 2007: 1243-1248
6EEHitoshi Kanoh: Dynamic route planning for car navigation systems using virus genetic algorithms. KES Journal 11(1): 65-78 (2007)
5EEHitoshi Kanoh, Yuusuke Sakamoto: Interactive timetabling system using genetic algorithms. SMC (6) 2004: 5852-5857
4EEHitoshi Kanoh, Yun Wu: Evolutionary Design of Rule Changing Cellular Automata. KES 2003: 258-264
3 Kazunori Mizuno, Seiichi Nishihara, Hitoshi Kanoh, Isao Kishi: Population migration: a meta-heuristics for stochastic approaches to constraint satisfaction problems. Informatica (Slovenia) 25(3): (2001)
2EEHitoshi Kanoh, Tomohiro Nakamura: Knowledge based genetic algorithm for dynamic route selection. KES 2000: 616-619
1EEMasahisa Kaneta, Hitoshi Kanoh, Kimiharu Kanemaru, Toshio Nagai: Image Processing Method for Intruder Detection around Power Line Towers. MVA 1992: 353-356

Coauthor Index

1Kenta Hara [10]
2Kimiharu Kanemaru [1]
3Masahisa Kaneta [1]
4Isao Kishi [3]
5Kazunori Mizuno [3]
6Toshio Nagai [1]
7Tomohiro Nakamura [2]
8Seiichi Nishihara [3]
9Yuusuke Sakamoto [5] [8]
10Shohei Sato [7]
11Souichi Tsukahara [9]
12Yun Wu [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)