
Noriyoshi Kambayashi

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12EETadashi Tsubone, Noriyoshi Kambayashi: Chaos and Periodic Oscillation of a Multirate Sampled-Data Dynamical System. IEICE Transactions 90-A(9): 1924-1931 (2007)
11EEMasahiro Iwahashi, Osamu Nishida, Somchart Chokchaitam, Noriyoshi Kambayashi: Optimum word length allocation for multipliers of integer DCT. ISCAS (2) 2003: 400-403
10EEMasahiro Iwahashi, Munkhbaatar Delgermaa, Koji Ueno, Noriyoshi Kambayashi: N stage non-separable two dimensional wavelet transform for reduction of rounding errors. ISCAS (4) 2003: 313-316
9EEP. Zavarsky, Noriyoshi Kambayashi, Somchart Chokchaitam, Masahiro Iwahashi, M. Kamiya: A signal reconstruction method based on an unwrapping of signals in transform domain. ISCAS (2) 2001: 153-156
8 Masahiro Iwahashi, Shinji Fukuma, Somchart Chokchaitam, Noriyoshi Kambayashi: Lossless/Lossy Progressive Coding Based on Reversible Wavelet and Lossless Multi-Channel Prediction. ICIP (1) 1999: 430-434
7 Masahiro Iwahashi, Shinji Fukuma, Narong Buabthong, Noriyoshi Kambayashi: Inter Color and Inter Intra Band Prediction on Reversible Wavelet for Lossless Progressive Color Coding. ICIP (4) 1999: 53-57
6EEMasahiro Iwahashi, Narong Buabthong, Somchart Chokchaitam, Noriyoshi Kambayashi: Lossless multi channel predictive coding for images. ISCAS (4) 1999: 303-306
5EEShinji Fukuma, Masahiro Iwahashi, Noriyoshi Kambayashi: Adaptive multi-channel prediction for lossless scalable coding. ISCAS (4) 1999: 467-470
4EEMasao Iwahashi, Shinji Fukuma, Akira Hosotani, Noriyoshi Kambayashi: Optimization of two-channel linear prediction and its application to lossless-lossy coding. Systems and Computers in Japan 29(10): 75-82 (1998)
3EEMasahiro Iwahashi, Shinji Fukuma, Noriyoshi Kambayashi: Lossless Coding of Still Images with Two Channel Prediction. ICIP (2) 1997: 266-269
2EEMasahiro Iwahashi, Shinji Fukuma, Akira Hosotani, Noriyoshi Kambayashi: Two Channel Non-Separable 2D Subband Coding and its Optimization. ICIP (2) 1997: 633-636
1 Masahiro Iwahashi, Koichi Ohyama, Wataru Kameyama, Noriyoshi Kambayashi: Design of Motion Compensation Filters for Frequency Scalable Coding - Drift Reduction. ISCAS 1994: 277-280

Coauthor Index

1Narong Buabthong [6] [7]
2Somchart Chokchaitam [6] [8] [9] [11]
3Munkhbaatar Delgermaa [10]
4Shinji Fukuma [2] [3] [4] [5] [7] [8]
5Akira Hosotani [2] [4]
6Masahiro Iwahashi [1] [2] [3] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11]
7Masao Iwahashi [4]
8Wataru Kameyama [1]
9M. Kamiya [9]
10Osamu Nishida [11]
11Koichi Ohyama [1]
12Tadashi Tsubone [12]
13Koji Ueno [10]
14P. Zavarsky [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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