
Kaivan Kamali

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6EEKaivan Kamali, Xiaocong Fan, John Yen: Towards a Theory for Multiparty Proactive Communication in Agent Teams. Int. J. Cooperative Inf. Syst. 16(2): 271-298 (2007)
5 Kaivan Kamali, Xiaocong Fan, John Yen: Multiparty Proactive Communication: A Perspective for Evolving Shared Mental Models. AAAI 2006
4EEKaivan Kamali, Dan Ventura, Amulya Garga, Soundar R. T. Kumara: Geometric Task Decomposition in a Multi-Agent Environment. Applied Artificial Intelligence 20(5): 437-456 (2006)
3EEKaivan Kamali, Xiaocong Fan, John Yen: Third-party Subscription in Multiparty Dialogues for Agent Teams. IAT 2005: 447-450
2EEKaivan Kamali, Xiaocong Fan, John Yen: Multiparty Proactive Communication in Agent Teamwork. ICTAI 2005: 39-43
1EEJohn Yen, Xiaocong Fan, Shuang Sun, Rui Wang, Cong Chen, Kaivan Kamali, Michael S. Miller, Richard A. Volz: Formal semantics and communication strategies for proactive information delivery among team-based agents. AAMAS 2003: 1166-1167

Coauthor Index

1Cong Chen [1]
2Xiaocong Fan [1] [2] [3] [5] [6]
3Amulya Garga [4]
4Soundar R. T. Kumara [4]
5Michael S. Miller [1]
6Shuang Sun [1]
7Dan Ventura [4]
8Richard A. Volz [1]
9Rui Wang [1]
10John Yen [1] [2] [3] [5] [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)