
Yuri Kalnishkan

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19EEAlexey V. Chernov, Yuri Kalnishkan, Fedor Zhdanov, Vladimir Vovk: Supermartingales in Prediction with Expert Advice. ALT 2008: 199-213
18EEYuri Kalnishkan, Michael V. Vyugin: The weak aggregating algorithm and weak mixability. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 74(8): 1228-1244 (2008)
17EESteven Busuttil, Yuri Kalnishkan: Online Regression Competitive with Changing Predictors. ALT 2007: 181-195
16 Steven Busuttil, Yuri Kalnishkan, Alexander Gammerman: Improving the aggregating algorithm for regression. Artificial Intelligence and Applications 2007: 379-384
15EEYuri Kalnishkan, Vladimir Vovk, Michael V. Vyugin: Generalised Entropy and Asymptotic Complexities of Languages. COLT 2007: 293-307
14EESteven Busuttil, Yuri Kalnishkan: Weighted Kernel Regression for Predicting Changing Dependencies. ECML 2007: 535-542
13EEYuri Kalnishkan, Michael V. Vyugin: The Weak Aggregating Algorithm and Weak Mixability. COLT 2005: 188-203
12EEYuri Kalnishkan, Vladimir Vovk, Michael V. Vyugin: How many strings are easy to predict? Inf. Comput. 201(1): 55-71 (2005)
11EEYuri Kalnishkan, Vladimir Vovk, Michael V. Vyugin: A Criterion for the Existence of Predictive Complexity for Binary Games. ALT 2004: 249-263
10EEAlexander Gammerman, Yuri Kalnishkan, Vladimir Vovk: On-line Prediction with Kernels and the Complexity Approximation Principle. UAI 2004: 170-176
9EEYuri Kalnishkan, Volodya Vovk, Michael V. Vyugin: Loss functions, complexities, and the Legendre transformation. Theor. Comput. Sci. 313(2): 195-207 (2004)
8EEYuri Kalnishkan, Vladimir Vovk, Michael V. Vyugin: How Many Strings Are Easy to Predict? COLT 2003: 522-536
7EEYuri Kalnishkan, Michael V. Vyugin: On the Absence of Predictive Complexity for Some Games. ALT 2002: 164-172
6EEYuri Kalnishkan, Michael V. Vyugin: Mixability and the Existence of Weak Complexities. COLT 2002: 105-120
5EEYuri Kalnishkan: General linear relations between different types of predictive complexity. Theor. Comput. Sci. 271(1-2): 181-200 (2002)
4EEYuri Kalnishkan, Michael V. Vyugin, Volodya Vovk: Loss Functions, Complexities, and the Legendre Transformation. ALT 2001: 181-189
3EEYuri Kalnishkan: Complexity Approximation Principle and Rissanen's Approach to Real-Valued Parameters. ECML 2000: 203-210
2EEYuri Kalnishkan: Genral Linear Relations among Different Types of Predictive Complexity. ATL 1999: 323-334
1EEYuri Kalnishkan: Linear Relations between Square-Loss and Kolmogorov Complexity. COLT 1999: 226-232

Coauthor Index

1Steven Busuttil [14] [16] [17]
2Alexey V. Chernov [19]
3Alexander Gammerman (Alex J. Gammerman) [10] [16]
4Vladimir Vovk (Volodya Vovk, V. G. Vovk) [4] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [15] [19]
5Michael V. Vyugin [4] [6] [7] [8] [9] [11] [12] [13] [15] [18]
6Fedor Zhdanov [19]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)