Robert Kalaba
List of publications from the DBLP Bibliography Server - FAQ
2000 | ||
16 | EE | John Casti, Robert Kalaba, Harriet Natsuyama, Sueo Ueno: Cauchy systems for fredholm integral equations with parameter imbedding. Applied Mathematics and Computation 108(1): 47-54 (2000) |
1992 | ||
15 | EE | Robert Kalaba, Ze'ev Lichtenstein, Tat Simchony, Leigh Tesfatsion: Linear and nonlinear associative memories for parameter estimation. Inf. Sci. 61(1-2): 45-66 (1992) |
1991 | ||
14 | EE | Robert Kalaba, Leigh Tesfatsion: A unified approach to dynamic estimation. Inf. Sci. 57-58: 159-169 (1991) |
1979 | ||
13 | EE | Robert Kalaba, K. Spingarn, Leigh Tesfatsion: Optimal strategies for C3 problems - V. The incorporation of symmetrical rationality. Inf. Sci. 18(2): 131-140 (1979) |
1970 | ||
12 | EE | Harriet H. Kagiwada, Robert Kalaba: An Initial-Value Theory for Fredholm Integral Equations With Semidegenerate Kernels. J. ACM 17(3): 412-419 (1970) |
1968 | ||
11 | EE | Richard Bellman, Harriet H. Kagiwada, Robert Kalaba, R. Vasudevan: Numerical Analysis: Quasilinearization and the estimation of differential operators from eigenvalues. Commun. ACM 11(4): 255-256 (1968) |
10 | EE | Robert E. Kalaba, D. M. Detchmendy: Direct conversion of observational histories into control signals. Inf. Sci. 1(1): 1-5 (1968) |
1967 | ||
9 | EE | Richard Bellman, Harriet H. Kagiwada, Robert Kalaba: Invariant imbedding and the numerical integration of boundary-value problems for unstable linear systems of ordinary differential equations. Commun. ACM 10(2): 100-102 (1967) |
1966 | ||
8 | EE | Richard Bellman, June D. Buell, Robert E. Kalaba: Mathematical experimentation in time-lag modulation. Commun. ACM 9(10): 752-754 (1966) |
1965 | ||
7 | EE | Richard Bellman, June D. Buell, Robert E. Kalaba: Numerical integration of a differential-difference equation with a decreasing time-lag. Commun. ACM 8(4): 227-228 (1965) |
6 | EE | Richard Bellman, Harriet H. Kagiwada, Robert E. Kalaba: Wengert's numerical method for partial derivatives, orbit determination and quasilinearization. Commun. ACM 8(4): 231-232 (1965) |
5 | EE | Richard Bellman, Harriet H. Kagiwada, Robert E. Kalaba: Nonlinear extrapolation and two-point boundary value problems. Commun. ACM 8(8): 511-512 (1965) |
1964 | ||
4 | EE | Richard Bellman, C. Collier, Harriet H. Kagiwada, Robert Kalaba, R. Selvester: Estimation of heart parameters using skin potential measurements. Commun. ACM 7(11): 666-668 (1964) |
1961 | ||
3 | EE | Richard Bellman, Mario L. Juncosa, Robert Kalaba: Some numerical experiments using Newton's method for nonlinear parabolic and elliptic boundary-value problems. Commun. ACM 4(4): 187-191 (1961) |
2 | Richard Bellman, Robert Kalaba: A Note on Interrupted Stochastic Control Processes Information and Control 4(4): 346-349 (1961) | |
1959 | ||
1 | EE | Richard Bellman, John H. Holland, Robert Kalaba: On an Application of Dynamic Programming to the Synthesis of Logical Systems. J. ACM 6(4): 486-493 (1959) |
1 | Richard Bellman | [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [11] |
2 | June D. Buell | [7] [8] |
3 | John Casti | [16] |
4 | C. Collier | [4] |
5 | D. M. Detchmendy | [10] |
6 | John H. Holland | [1] |
7 | Mario L. Juncosa | [3] |
8 | Harriet H. Kagiwada | [4] [5] [6] [9] [11] [12] |
9 | Ze'ev Lichtenstein | [15] |
10 | Harriet Natsuyama | [16] |
11 | R. Selvester | [4] |
12 | Tat Simchony | [15] |
13 | K. Spingarn | [13] |
14 | Leigh Tesfatsion | [13] [14] [15] |
15 | Sueo Ueno | [16] |
16 | R. Vasudevan | [11] |