
Jens Kaasbøll

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9EEOmid Mirmotahari, Christian Holmboe, Jens Kaasbøll: Difficulties learning computer architecture. ITiCSE 2003: 247
8 John Hughes, Andrew D. McGettrick, Ellen Francine Barbosa, Jens Kaasbøll, Vinícius Medina Kern, Ana Paula Lüdtke Ferreira, Esselina Macome, Joberto Martins, Clara Amélia de Oliveira, Alfonso Ignacio Orth, R. Sadananda, Elaine da Silva, Romero Tori: Directions and Challenges in Informatics Education. Informatics Curricula and Teaching Methods 2002: 115-123
7EETone Bratteteig, Gisle Hannemyr, Jens Kaasbøll: In Memory of Kristen Nygaard. Scandinavian J. Inf. Systems 14(2): (2002)
6 Jens Kaasbøll: The 'Information' Concept in FRISCO Compared to Empirical Studies of Information in Decision Making. ISCO 1999: 281-294
5EERenate Motschnig-Pitrik, Jens Kaasbøll: Part-Whole Relationship Categories and Their Application in Object-Oriented Analysis. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 11(5): 779-797 (1999)
4 Jens Kaasbøll: Abstraction and concretizing in information systems and problem domains: implications for system descriptions. ISCO 1995: 250-265
3 Jens Kaasbøll: Object-Oriented Models of Functionally Integrated Computer Systems. JOOP 7(8): 32-40 (1995)
2 Jens Kaasbøll, Kristin Braa, Tone Bratteteig: User Problems Concerning Functional Integration in Thirteen Organizations. Human, Organizational, and Social Dimensions of Information Systems Development 1993: 61-81
1 Jens Kaasbøll: Users' Subjective Experience vs. Representations of Users: Implications for the FRISCO Framework. ISCO 1992: 209-224

Coauthor Index

1Ellen Francine Barbosa [8]
2Kristin Braa [2]
3Tone Bratteteig [2] [7]
4Ana Paula Lüdtke Ferreira [8]
5Gisle Hannemyr [7]
6Christian Holmboe [9]
7John Hughes [8]
8Vinícius Medina Kern [8]
9Esselina Macome [8]
10Joberto Martins (J. S. B. Martins) [8]
11Andrew D. McGettrick [8]
12Omid Mirmotahari [9]
13Renate Motschnig-Pitrik [5]
14Clara Amélia de Oliveira [8]
15Alfonso Ignacio Orth [8]
16R. Sadananda [8]
17Elaine da Silva [8]
18Romero Tori [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)