
Michelle L. Kaarst-Brown

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6EEMichelle L. Kaarst-Brown, Indira R. Guzman: Who is "the IT workforce"?: challenges facing policy makers, educators, management, and research. CPR 2005: 1-8
5EEMichelle L. Kaarst-Brown, Shirley Kelly: IT Governance and Sarbanes-Oxley: The Latest Sales Pitch or Real Challenges for the IT Function? HICSS 2005
4EEE. Dale Thompson, Michelle L. Kaarst-Brown: Sensitive information: A review and research agenda. JASIST 56(3): 245-257 (2005)
3EEIndira R. Guzman, Michelle L. Kaarst-Brown: Organizational survival and alignment: insights into conflicting perspectives on the role of the IT professional. CPR 2004: 30-34
2EEMichelle L. Kaarst-Brown, J. Roberto Evaristo: Physical Retailing Takes on Internet Retailing: A Preliminary Model of Book Retailer Web Strategies based on Perceived Threats and Opportunities. HICSS 2001
1EEBlaize Horner Reich, Michelle L. Kaarst-Brown: Seeding the Line: Understanding the Transition From IT to Non-IT Careers. MIS Quarterly 23(3): (1999)

Coauthor Index

1J. Roberto Evaristo [2]
2Indira R. Guzman [3] [6]
3Shirley Kelly [5]
4Blaize Horner Reich [1]
5E. Dale Thompson [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)