
Pascal Junod

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11EEPascal Junod, Alexandre Karlov, Arjen K. Lenstra: Improving the Boneh-Franklin Traitor Tracing Scheme. Public Key Cryptography 2009: 88-104
10EEGildas Avoine, Pascal Junod, Philippe Oechslin: Characterization and Improvement of Time-Memory Trade-Off Based on Perfect Tables. ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. Secur. 11(4): (2008)
9EEPascal Junod: New Attacks Against Reduced-Round Versions of IDEA. FSE 2005: 384-397
8EEGildas Avoine, Pascal Junod, Philippe Oechslin: Time-Memory Trade-Offs: False Alarm Detection Using Checkpoints. INDOCRYPT 2005: 183-196
7EESimon Künzli, Pascal Junod, Willi Meier: Distinguishing Attacks on T-Functions. Mycrypt 2005: 2-15
6EEThomas Baignères, Pascal Junod, Serge Vaudenay: How Far Can We Go Beyond Linear Cryptanalysis? ASIACRYPT 2004: 432-450
5EEPascal Junod, Serge Vaudenay: FOX : A New Family of Block Ciphers. Selected Areas in Cryptography 2004: 114-129
4EEPascal Junod, Serge Vaudenay: Perfect Diffusion Primitives for Block Ciphers. Selected Areas in Cryptography 2004: 84-99
3EEPascal Junod: On the Optimality of Linear, Differential, and Sequential Distinguishers. EUROCRYPT 2003: 17-32
2EEPascal Junod, Serge Vaudenay: Optimal Key Ranking Procedures in a Statistical Cryptanalysis. FSE 2003: 235-246
1EEPascal Junod: On the Complexity of Matsui's Attack. Selected Areas in Cryptography 2001: 199-211

Coauthor Index

1Gildas Avoine [8] [10]
2Thomas Baignères [6]
3Simon Fischer (Simon Künzli) [7]
4Alexandre Karlov [11]
5Arjen K. Lenstra [11]
6Willi Meier [7]
7Philippe Oechslin [8] [10]
8Serge Vaudenay [2] [4] [5] [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)