
Gihyun Jung

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27EESanguk Noh, Gihyun Jung, Kyunghee Choi, Cheolho Lee: Compiling network traffic into rules using soft computing methods for the detection of flooding attacks. Appl. Soft Comput. 8(3): 1200-1210 (2008)
26EEJangbok Kim, Kyunghee Choi, Daniel M. Hoffman, Gihyun Jung: White Box Pairwise Test Case Generation. QSIC 2007: 286-291
25EESanguk Noh, Gihyun Jung, Eunkyoung Go, Unseob Jeong: Compiling threats into inductive rules for autonomous situation awareness. SMC 2007: 437-442
24EEJangbok Kim, Jaehong Shim, Gihyun Jung, Kyunghee Choi: Tackling Worm Detection Speed and False Alarm in Virus Throttling. ISPEC 2006: 67-77
23EEJangbok Kim, Kyunghee Choi, Gihyun Jung: Pairwise Test Case Generation Based on Module Dependency. IEICE Transactions 89-D(11): 2811-2813 (2006)
22EEJangbok Kim, Jaehong Shim, Gihyun Jung, Kyunghee Choi: Reducing Worm Detection Time and False Alarm in Virus Throttling. CIS (2) 2005: 297-302
21EEYoungsoo Choi, Sanguk Noh, Kyunghee Choi, Gihyun Jung: Autonomous and Dependable Recovery Scheme in UPnP Network Settings. IDEAL 2005: 501-506
20 Jangbok Kim, Kyunghee Choi, Gihyun Jung: Spam Mail Filtering through Dynamically Updating URL Statistics. Web Technologies, Applications, and Services 2005: 41-47
19EEJaehong Shim, Jangbok Kim, Kyunghee Choi, Gihyun Jung: A Heuristic Session Distribution Algorithm for Switch with Multiple Output Links. IEICE Transactions 88-B(4): 1689-1692 (2005)
18EEJaehong Shim, Gihyun Jung, Kyunghee Choi: Simulating Session Distribution Algorithms for Switch with Multiple Outputs Having Finite Size Queues. AsiaSim 2004: 625-634
17EESanguk Noh, Cheolho Lee, Keywon Ryu, Kyunghee Choi, Gihyun Jung: Detecting Worm Propagation Using Traffic Concentration Analysis and Inductive Learning. IDEAL 2004: 402-408
16EESanguk Noh, Youngsoo Choi, Haesung Seo, Kyunghee Choi, Gihyun Jung: An Intelligent Topic-Specific Crawler Using Degree of Relevance. IDEAL 2004: 491-498
15EESanguk Noh, Cheolho Lee, Kyunghee Choi, Gihyun Jung: Detecting Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Attacks through Inductive Learning. IDEAL 2003: 286-295
14 Chel Park, Haeyoung Yoo, Joong Soon Jang, Gihyun Jung, Kyunghee Choi: A Heuristic Caching Strategy for Web Servers Based on the Binary Knapsack Model. International Conference on Internet Computing 2003: 688-691
13 Jongwook Moon, Hakbong Cho, Changseok Choi, Gihyun Jung, Younkwang Jung, Kyunghee Choi: Accelerating Firewall. Security and Management 2003: 433-437
12 Jangbok Kim, Hosung Lim, Kyunghee Choi, Gihyun Jung: A New Architecture for Enhancing the Security of E-Mail System. Security and Management 2003: 449-454
11 Cheolho Lee, Kyunghee Choi, Seungkyu Park, Gihyun Jung, Cheolwon Lee, Namhoon Lee: A Vulnerability Scanning Script Management System. International Conference on Internet Computing 2002: 457-464
10EEKyunghee Choi, Gihyun Jung: Comment on 'On-Line Scheduling Policies for a Class of IRIS Real-Time Tasks'. IEEE Trans. Computers 50(5): 526-528 (2001)
9EEMohammad A. Mikki, Kangbin Yim, Gihyun Jung: Popularity-Independent Multimedia-on-Demand Server Model. COMPSAC 2000: 575-580
8EEChunhee Lee, Won Ryu, Kihyun Song, Kyunghee Choi, Gihyun Jung, Seungkyu Park: On-line Scheduling Algorithms for Reducing the Largest Weighted Error Incurred by Imprecise Tasks. RTCSA 1998: 137-144
7EEJai-Hoon Kim, Kihyun Song, Kyunghee Choi, Gihyun Jung, Seunhun Jung: Performance Evaluation of On-line Scheduling Algorithms for Imprecise Computation. RTCSA 1998: 217-222
6EEKyunghee Choi, Gihyun Jung, Teageun Kim, Seunhun Jung: Real-Time Scheduling Algorithm for Minimizing Maximum Weighted Error with O(N log N + cN) Complexity. Inf. Process. Lett. 67(6): 311-315 (1998)
5EEJaehong Shim, Kyongok Yun, Kyunghee Choi, Gihyun Jung, Seungkyu Park, Dugkyoo Choi: A switch scheduling algorithm for periodic messages using laxity decomposition method. RTCSA 1997: 192-197
4 Kangbin Yim, Jaehong Shim, Hwaja Chung, Gihyun Jung, Kyunghee Choi, Dongyoon Kim: An Imprecise DCT Computation Model for Real-Time Applications. Multimedia Technology and Applications 1996: 153-161
3EEJaehong Shim, Kyunghee Choi, Gihyun Jung, Seungkyu Park, HyeonSik Shin, Dongyoon Kim: Priority inversion handling in microkernel-based Real-Time Mike. RTCSA 1996: 238-245
2EEKyongok Yun, Kihyun Song, Kyunghee Choi, Gihyun Jung, Seungkyu Park, Manpyo Hong, Dugkyoo Choi: A Heuristic Scheduling Algorithm of Imprecise Multiprocessor System with O/l Constraint. RTCSA 1996: 307-313
1 Gihyun Jung: Comments on ``Some Additions to Solution of Switching Equations Based on a Tabular Algebra''. IEEE Trans. Computers 44(11): 1357-1358 (1995)

Coauthor Index

1Hakbong Cho [13]
2Changseok Choi [13]
3Dugkyoo Choi [2] [5]
4Kyunghee Choi [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [26] [27]
5Youngsoo Choi [16] [21]
6Hwaja Chung [4]
7Eunkyoung Go [25]
8Daniel M. Hoffman [26]
9Manpyo Hong [2]
10Joong Soon Jang [14]
11Unseob Jeong [25]
12Seunhun Jung [6] [7]
13Younkwang Jung [13]
14Dongyoon Kim [3] [4]
15Jai-Hoon Kim [7]
16Jangbok Kim [12] [19] [20] [22] [23] [24] [26]
17Teageun Kim [6]
18Cheolho Lee [11] [15] [17] [27]
19Cheolwon Lee [11]
20Chunhee Lee [8]
21Namhoon Lee [11]
22Hosung Lim [12]
23Mohammad A. Mikki [9]
24Jongwook Moon [13]
25Sanguk Noh [15] [16] [17] [21] [25] [27]
26Chel Park [14]
27Seungkyu Park [2] [3] [5] [8] [11]
28Keywon Ryu [17]
29Won Ryu [8]
30Haesung Seo [16]
31Jaehong Shim [3] [4] [5] [18] [19] [22] [24]
32HyeonSik Shin [3]
33Kihyun Song [2] [7] [8]
34Kangbin Yim [4] [9]
35Haeyoung Yoo [14]
36Kyongok Yun [2] [5]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)