
Bryant A. Julstrom

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49EEBryant A. Julstrom: An evolutionary algorithm for some cases of the single-source constrained plant location problem. GECCO 2008: 607-608
48EEArindam Khaled, Bryant A. Julstrom: Greedy heuristics and evolutionary algorithms for the bounded minimum-label spanning tree problem. GECCO 2008: 611-612
47EEBryant A. Julstrom: Special track on Applications of Evolutionary Computation: editorial message. SAC 2008: 1766
46EEBryant A. Julstrom: A Permutation Coding with Heuristics for the Uncapacitated Facility Location Problem. Recent Advances in Evolutionary Computation for Combinatorial Optimization 2008: 295-307
45EEJason Amunrud, Bryant A. Julstrom: Instance similarity and the effectiveness of case injection in a genetic algorithm for binary quadratic programming. GECCO 2006: 1395-1396
44EEAmanda Hiley, Bryant A. Julstrom: The quadratic multiple knapsack problem and three heuristic approaches to it. GECCO 2006: 547-552
43EEJeremiah Nummela, Bryant A. Julstrom: An effective genetic algorithm for the minimum-label spanning tree problem. GECCO 2006: 553-558
42EEBrenda Hinkemeyer, Bryant A. Julstrom: A genetic algorithm for the longest common subsequence problem. GECCO 2006: 609-610
41EEBryant A. Julstrom, Brenda Hinkemeyer: Starting from Scratch: Growing Longest Common Subsequences with Evolution. PPSN 2006: 930-938
40EEBryant A. Julstrom: Editorial message: track on applications of evolutionary computation. SAC 2006: 939
39EEBrenda Hinkemeyer, Nicole Januszewski, Bryant A. Julstrom: An expert system for evaluating Siberian Huskies. Expert Syst. Appl. 30(2): 282-289 (2006)
38EEGünther R. Raidl, Gabriele Koller, Bryant A. Julstrom: Biased Mutation Operators for Subgraph-Selection Problems. IEEE Trans. Evolutionary Computation 10(2): 145-156 (2006)
37EEJeremiah Nummela, Bryant A. Julstrom: Evolving petri nets to represent metabolic pathways. GECCO 2005: 2133-2139
36EEBryant A. Julstrom: The blob code is competitive with edge-sets in genetic algorithms for the minimum routing cost spanning tree problem. GECCO 2005: 585-590
35EEBryant A. Julstrom: Greedy, genetic, and greedy genetic algorithms for the quadratic knapsack problem. GECCO 2005: 607-614
34EEBryant A. Julstrom: Editorial message: special track on applications of evolutionary computation. SAC 2005: 905-906
33EEJeffrey S. Goettl, Alexander W. Brugh, Bryant A. Julstrom: Call me e-mail: arranging the keyboard with a permutation-coded genetic algorithm. SAC 2005: 947-951
32EEBryant A. Julstrom: Encoding Bounded-Diameter Spanning Trees with Permutations and with Random Keys. GECCO (1) 2004: 1272-1281
31EEBryant A. Julstrom, Athos Antoniades: Three Evolutionary Codings of Rectilinear Steiner Arborescences. GECCO (1) 2004: 1282-1291
30EEMark A. Renslow, Brenda Hinkemeyer, Bryant A. Julstrom: How Are We Doing? Predicting Evolutionary Algorithm Performance. GECCO (2) 2004: 82-89
29EEBryant A. Julstrom: Editorial message: special track on evolutionary computation and optimization. SAC 2004: 973-974
28EEBryant A. Julstrom, Athos Antoniades: Two hybrid evolutionary algorithms for the rectilinear Steiner arborescence problem. SAC 2004: 980-984
27EEBryant A. Julstrom: Evolutionary Algorithms for Two Problems from the Calculus of Variations. GECCO 2003: 2402-2403
26 Rita M. Hare, Bryant A. Julstrom: A Spanning Tree-Based Genetic Algorithm for Some Instances of the Rectilinear Steiner Problem with Obstacles. SAC 2003: 725-729
25 Günther R. Raidl, Bryant A. Julstrom: Greedy Heuristics and an Evolutionary Algorithm for the Bounded-Diameter Minimum Spanning Tree Problem. SAC 2003: 747-752
24 Rita M. Hare, Bryant A. Julstrom: A Genetic Algorithm for Restricted Cases of the Rectilinear Steiner Problem with Obstacles. VLSI 2003: 292-297
23 Günther R. Raidl, Bryant A. Julstrom: Edge sets: an effective evolutionary coding of spanning trees. IEEE Trans. Evolutionary Computation 7(3): 225-239 (2003)
22 Bryant A. Julstrom: Manipulating Valid Solutions in a Genetic Algorithm for the Bounded-Diameter Minimum Spanning Tree Problem. GECCO Late Breaking Papers 2002: 247-254
21 Bryant A. Julstrom: Two Genetic Algorithms for the Leaf-Constrained Minimum Spanning Tree Problem. IC-AI 2002: 853-859
20 Bryant A. Julstrom: A Genetic Algorithm and Two Hill-Climbers for the Minimum Routing Cost Spanning Tree Problem. IC-AI 2002: 934-940
19 Bryant A. Julstrom: Applying Local Search n a Genetic Algorithm for the 4-Cycle Problem. IC-AI 2002: 941-
18EEGünther R. Raidl, Gabriele Kodydek, Bryant A. Julstrom: On Weight-Biased Mutation for Graph Problems. PPSN 2002: 204-213
17EEBryant A. Julstrom, Günther R. Raidl: Initialization is robust in evolutionary algorithms that encode spanning trees as sets of edges. SAC 2002: 547-552
16EEBryant A. Julstrom, Günther R. Raidl: Weight-biased edge-crossover in evolutionary algorithms for wto graph problems. SAC 2001: 321-326
15EEBryant A. Julstrom: Encoding rectilinear Steiner trees as lists of edges. SAC 2001: 356-360
14 Günther R. Raidl, Bryant A. Julstrom: A Weighted Coding in a Genetic Algorithm for the Degree-Constrained Minimum Spanning Tree Problem. SAC (1) 2000: 440-445
13EEBryant A. Julstrom: Coding TSP Tours as Permutations via an Insertion Heuristic. SAC 1999: 297-301
12EEBryant A. Julstrom: Comparing decoding algorithms in a weight-coded GA for TSP. SAC 1998: 313-317
11EEKerry Capp, Bryant A. Julstrom: A weight-coded genetic algorithm for the minimum weight triangulation problem. SAC 1998: 327-331
10 Bryant A. Julstrom: Effects of Contest Length and Noise on Reciprocal Altruism, Cooperation, and Payoffs in the Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma. ICGA 1997: 386-392
9EEBryant A. Julstrom: Adaptive operator probabilities in a genetic algorithm that applies three operators. SAC 1997: 233-238
8EEBryant A. Julstrom: Representing rectilinear Steiner trees in genetic algorithms. SAC 1996: 245-250
7EEBryant A. Julstrom: Evolutionary discovery of DFA size and structure. SAC 1996: 263-268
6 Amir M. Ben-Amram, Bryant A. Julstrom, Uri Zwick: A Note on Busy Beavers and Other Creatures. Mathematical Systems Theory 29(4): 375-386 (1996)
5 Bryant A. Julstrom: What Have You Done for Me Lately? Adapting Operator Probabilities in a Steady-State Genetic Algorithm. ICGA 1995: 81-87
4EEBryant A. Julstrom: Very greedy crossover in a genetic algorithm for the traveling salesman problem. SAC 1995: 324-328
3EEBryant A. Julstrom: Seeding the population: improved performance in a genetic algorithm for the rectilinear Steiner problem. SAC 1994: 222-226
2 Bryant A. Julstrom: A Genetic Algorithm for the Rectilinear Steiner Problem. ICGA 1993: 474-480
1 Bryant A. Julstrom, Robert J. Baron: A Model of Mental Imagery. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 23(3): 313-334 (1985)

Coauthor Index

1Jason Amunrud [45]
2Athos Antoniades [28] [31]
3Robert J. Baron [1]
4Amir M. Ben-Amram [6]
5Alexander W. Brugh [33]
6Kerry Capp [11]
7Jeffrey S. Goettl [33]
8Rita M. Hare [24] [26]
9Amanda Hiley [44]
10Brenda Hinkemeyer [30] [39] [41] [42]
11Nicole Januszewski [39]
12Arindam Khaled [48]
13Gabriele Kodydek [18]
14Gabriele Koller [38]
15Jeremiah Nummela [37] [43]
16Günther R. Raidl [14] [16] [17] [18] [23] [25] [38]
17Mark A. Renslow [30]
18Uri Zwick [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)