
Lennart Johnsson

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5 Chen Feng, Catherine Putonti, Michael Quance, Stephen Huff, Andrey Belokrylov, Lennart Johnsson, Krishna Jayaraman, Michael Hogan, Yuriy Fofanov: Developing Assays for the Detection of Influenza in Human Samples. BIOCOMP 2007: 781-
4EEAyaz Ali, Lennart Johnsson, Jaspal Subhlok: Adaptive Computation of Self Sorting In-Place FFTs on Hierarchical Memory Architectures. HPCC 2007: 372-383
3EEAyaz Ali, Lennart Johnsson, Jaspal Subhlok: Scheduling FFT computation on SMP and multicore systems. ICS 2007: 293-301
2EECatherine Putonti, Meizhuo Zhang, Lennart Johnsson, Yuriy Fofanov: Two Challenges in Genomics That Can Benefit from Petascale Platforms. Euro-Par Workshops 2006: 313-322
1EEMichael Feig, Matin Abdullah, Lennart Johnsson, B. Montgomery Pettitt: Large scale distributed data repository: design of a molecular dynamics trajectory database. Future Generation Comp. Syst. 16(1): 101-110 (1999)

Coauthor Index

1Matin Abdullah [1]
2Ayaz Ali [3] [4]
3Andrey Belokrylov [5]
4Michael Feig [1]
5Chen Feng [5]
6Yuriy Fofanov [2] [5]
7Michael Hogan [5]
8Stephen Huff [5]
9Krishna Jayaraman [5]
10B. Montgomery Pettitt [1]
11Catherine Putonti [2] [5]
12Michael Quance [5]
13Jaspal Subhlok [3] [4]
14Meizhuo Zhang [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)