
Chen Feng

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8EEChen Feng, Baochun Li: On large-scale peer-to-peer streaming systems with network coding. ACM Multimedia 2008: 269-278
7EEChen Feng, Su Jin-Shu: A Flexible Approach to Measuring Network Security Using Attack Graphs. ISECS 2008: 426-431
6 Chen Feng, Catherine Putonti, Michael Quance, Stephen Huff, Andrey Belokrylov, Lennart Johnsson, Krishna Jayaraman, Michael Hogan, Yuriy Fofanov: Developing Assays for the Detection of Influenza in Human Samples. BIOCOMP 2007: 781-
5EEJunna Cheng, Guangrong Ji, Chen Feng: Image Segmentation Based on Chaos Immune Clone Selection Algorithm. ICIC (2) 2007: 505-512
4EERui Nian, Guangrong Ji, Wencang Zhao, Chen Feng: Probabilistic 3D object recognition from 2D invariant view sequence based on similarity. Neurocomputing 70(4-6): 785-793 (2007)
3EERui Nian, Guangrong Ji, Wencang Zhao, Chen Feng: ANN Hybrid Ensemble Learning Strategy in 3D Object Recognition and Pose Estimation Based on Similarity. ICIC (1) 2005: 650-660
2EEChen Feng, Guangrong Ji, Wencang Zhao, Rui Nian: The Prediction of the Financial Time Series Based on Correlation Dimension. ICNC (1) 2005: 1256-1265
1EERui Nian, Guangrong Ji, Wencang Zhao, Chen Feng: ANN Ensemble Online Learning Strategy in 3D Object Cognition and Recognition Based on Similarity. ICNC (1) 2005: 793-796

Coauthor Index

1Andrey Belokrylov [6]
2Junna Cheng [5]
3Yuriy Fofanov [6]
4Michael Hogan [6]
5Stephen Huff [6]
6Krishna Jayaraman [6]
7Guangrong Ji [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
8Su Jin-Shu [7]
9Lennart Johnsson [6]
10Baochun Li [8]
11Rui Nian [1] [2] [3] [4]
12Catherine Putonti [6]
13Michael Quance [6]
14Wencang Zhao [1] [2] [3] [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)