
Christopher M. Johnson

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4EEAlvin Cheung, Tyrone Grandison, Christopher M. Johnson, Stefan Schönauer: Ïnfïnïty: a generic platform for application development and information sharing on mobile devices. MobiDE 2007: 25-32
3EERakesh Agrawal, Tyrone Grandison, Christopher M. Johnson, Jerry Kiernan: Enabling the 21st century health care information technology revolution. Commun. ACM 50(2): 34-42 (2007)
2EEChristopher M. Johnson, Tyrone Grandison: Compliance with data protection laws using Hippocratic Database active enforcement and auditing. IBM Systems Journal 46(2): 255-264 (2007)
1EERakesh Agrawal, Christopher M. Johnson, Jerry Kiernan, Frank Leymann: Taming Compliance with Sarbanes-Oxley Internal Controls Using Database Technology. ICDE 2006: 92

Coauthor Index

1Rakesh Agrawal [1] [3]
2Alvin Cheung [4]
3Tyrone Grandison [2] [3] [4]
4Jerry Kiernan (Gerald Kiernan) [1] [3]
5Frank Leymann [1]
6Stefan Schönauer [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)