
Tao Jia

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9EETao Jia, Alexandra Duel-Hallen, Hans Hallen: Improved long-range prediction with data-aided noise reduction for adaptive modulation systems. CISS 2008: 1161-1166
8EETao Jia, Alexandra Duel-Hallen: Performance of Improved Channel Allocation for Multicarrier CDMA with Adaptive Frequency Hopping and Multiuser Detection. ICC 2008: 4780-4784
7EETao Jia, R. Michael Buehrer: A Collaborative Quasi-Linear Programming Framework for Ad Hoc Sensor Localization. WCNC 2008: 2379-2384
6EER. Michael Buehrer, Swaroop Venkatesh, Tao Jia: Mitigation of the Propagation of Localization Error Using Multi-Hop Bounding. WCNC 2008: 3009-3014
5EEDong In Kim, Tao Jia: M-ary orthogonal coded/balanced ultra-wideband transmitted-reference systems in multipath. IEEE Transactions on Communications 56(1): 102-111 (2008)
4EETao Jia, Dong In Kim: Multiple Access Performance of Balanced UWB Transmitted-Reference Systems in Multipath. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 7(3): 1084-1094 (2008)
3EETao Jia, Wen Zhao, Lifu Wang: PrSH: A Belief Description Logic. KES-AMSTA 2007: 31-41
2EETao Jia, Dong In Kim: Multiuser Performance of Balanced UWB Transmitted-Reference System in Multipath. GLOBECOM 2006
1EEYing Zhang, Hongye Su, Tao Jia, Jian Chu: Rule Extraction from Trained Support Vector Machines. PAKDD 2005: 61-70

Coauthor Index

1R. Michael Buehrer [6] [7]
2Jian Chu [1]
3Alexandra Duel-Hallen [8] [9]
4Hans Hallen [9]
5Dong In Kim [2] [4] [5]
6Hongye Su [1]
7Swaroop Venkatesh [6]
8Lifu Wang [3]
9Ying Zhang [1]
10Wen Zhao [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)