
Qi Jia

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3EEQi Jia, Tiejun Lv, Gong Ping: An Efficient Scheme for Joint Equalization and Interference Cancellation in Distributed Cooperative Diversity Networks. CNSR 2008: 539-543
2EEZhongding Jiang, Yandong Mao, Qi Jia, Nan Jiang, Junyi Tao, Xiaochun Fang, Hujun Bao: PanoWalk: A Remote Image-Based Rendering System for Mobile Devices. PCM 2006: 641-649
1EEQi Jia, Katsuyuki Hagiwara, Naohiro Toda, Shiro Usui: Equivalence relation between the back propagation learning process of an FNN and that of an FNNG. Neural Networks 7(2): 411- (1994)

Coauthor Index

1Hujun Bao [2]
2Xiaochun Fang [2]
3Katsuyuki Hagiwara [1]
4Nan Jiang [2]
5Zhongding Jiang [2]
6Tiejun Lv [3]
7Yandong Mao [2]
8Gong Ping [3]
9Junyi Tao [2]
10Naohiro Toda [1]
11Shiro Usui [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)