
Sándor Jenei

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20EESándor Jenei: Recent Advances in the Field of Left-continuous t-norms. EUSFLAT Conf. (1) 2007: 23-24
19EESándor Jenei, Franco Montagna: Rényi-Ulam Game Semantics for Product Logic and for the Logic of Cancellative Hoops. Algebraic and Proof-theoretic Aspects of Non-classical Logics 2006: 231-246
18EESándor Jenei: How to construct left-continuous triangular norms--state of the art. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 143(1): 27-45 (2004)
17EESándor Jenei, Bernard De Baets: Rotation and rotation-annihilation construction of associative and partially compensatory aggregation operators. IEEE T. Fuzzy Systems 12(5): 606-614 (2004)
16EESándor Jenei: On the structure of rotation-invariant semigroups. Arch. Math. Log. 42(5): 489-514 (2003)
15EESándor Jenei, Franco Montagna: On the continuity points of left-continuous t-norms. Arch. Math. Log. 42(8): 797-810 (2003)
14EESándor Jenei, Franco Montagna: A general method for constructing left-continuous t-norms. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 136(3): 263-282 (2003)
13EESándor Jenei: A characterization theorem on the rotation construction for triangular norms. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 136(3): 283-289 (2003)
12EESándor Jenei, Bernard De Baets: On the direct decomposability of t-norms on product lattices. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 139(3): 699-707 (2003)
11EESándor Jenei: A note on the ordinal sum theorem and its consequence for the construction of triangular norms. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 126(2): 199-205 (2002)
10EESándor Jenei: Structure of left-continuous triangular norms with strong induced negations. (III): Construction and decomposition. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 128(2): 197-208 (2002)
9EESándor Jenei, Erich-Peter Klement, Richard Konzel: Interpolation and extrapolation of fuzzy quantities-the multiple-dimensional case. Soft Comput. 6(3-4): 258-270 (2002)
8 Sándor Jenei, Franco Montagna: A Proof of Standard Completeness for Esteva and Godo's Logic MTL. Studia Logica 70(2): 183-192 (2002)
7EEHans De Meyer, Bernard De Baets, Sándor Jenei: A generalization of stochastic and fuzzy transitivity for reciprocal fuzzy relations. EUSFLAT Conf. 2001: 261-264
6EESándor Jenei: Inference in Rule-Based Systems by Interpolation and Extrapolation Revisited. SOFSEM 2001: 53-57
5EESándor Jenei: Continuity of left-continuous triangular norms with strong induced negations and their boundary condition. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 124(1): 35-41 (2001)
4EESiegfried Gottwald, Sándor Jenei: A new axiomatization for involutive monoidal t-norm-based logic. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 124(3): 303-307 (2001)
3 Sándor Jenei: Structure of left-continuous triangular norms with strong induced negations - Rotation-annihilation construction. Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 11(3-4): 351-366 (2001)
2EESándor Jenei: Interpolation and extrapolation of fuzzy quantities revisited-an axiomatic approach. Soft Comput. 5(3): 179-193 (2001)
1 Sándor Jenei: Structure of left-continuous triangular norms with strong induced negations. Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 10(1): (2000)

Coauthor Index

1Bernard De Baets [7] [12] [17]
2Siegfried Gottwald [4]
3Erich-Peter Klement [9]
4Richard Konzel [9]
5Hans De Meyer [7]
6Franco Montagna [8] [14] [15] [19]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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