
Kenji Ito

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6EEKenji Ito, Noriyoshi Suzuki, Yoshio Karasawa: Performance Evaluation of MIMO-STBC for Inter-Vehicle Communications in a Shadowing Environment Generated by a Large Vehicle. VTC Fall 2007: 758-762
5EEKenji Ito, Nobuo Itoh, Katsushi Sanda, Yoshio Karasawa: A Novel MIMO-STBC Scheme for Inter-Vehicle Communications at Intersection. VTC Spring 2006: 2937-2941
4EEKenji Ito: Possibilities of Non-Commercial Games: The Case of Amateur Role Playing Game Designers in Japan. DIGRA Conf. 2005
3EENoriyoshi Suzuki, Kenji Ito, Tsutayuki Shibata, Nobuo Itoh: A Novel Multi-Service Simultaneous Reception by Sharing Diversity Branches. IEICE Transactions 88-B(11): 4212-4219 (2005)
2 John Paulin Hansen, Anders Sewerin Johansen, Dan Witzner Hansen, Kenji Ito, Satoru Mashino: Command Without a Click: Dwell Time Typing by Mouse and Gaze Selections. INTERACT 2003
1 Osamu Saito, Kenji Ito, Kaoru Adachi: Signal Processing System for High-Resolution Digital Camera. PICS 1999: 76-79

Coauthor Index

1Kaoru Adachi [1]
2Dan Witzner Hansen [2]
3John Paulin Hansen [2]
4Nobuo Itoh [3] [5]
5Anders Sewerin Johansen [2]
6Yoshio Karasawa [5] [6]
7Satoru Mashino [2]
8Osamu Saito [1]
9Katsushi Sanda [5]
10Tsutayuki Shibata [3]
11Noriyoshi Suzuki [3] [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)