
Mahamod Ismail

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5 Ratna Sahbudin, Syed Alwee Aljunid, Mohd Abdullah, Mohd bin Abdul Samad, Mohd Mahdi, Mahamod Ismail: Comparative Performance of Hybrid SCM SAC-OCDMA System Using Complementary and AND Subtraction Detection Techniques. Int. Arab J. Inf. Technol. 5(1): 61-65 (2008)
4EERaed Saqour, Mohamad Shanudin, Mahamod Ismail: Prediction schemes to enhance the routing process in geographical GPSR ad hoc protocol. Mobile Information Systems 3(3-4): 203-220 (2007)
3EETiong Sieh Kiong, Johnny Koh, Mahamod Ismail, Azmi Hassan: Downlink Capacity Improvement of WCDMA System by Using Adaptive Antenna with Novel MDPC Beamforming Technique. DELTA 2006: 512-518
2 Raed Saqour, Mohamad Shanudin, Mahamod Ismail: A Prediction Scheme to Enhance the Routing Process in Geographical GSPR Ad Hoc Protocol. MoMM 2006: 91-100
1 Halabi Hasbullah, Mahamod Ismail: Optimal Link Cost Computation for QoS Routing in Bluetooth Ad Hoc Network. CITA 2005: 86-92

Coauthor Index

1Mohd Abdullah [5]
2Syed Alwee Aljunid [5]
3Halabi Hasbullah [1]
4Azmi Hassan [3]
5Tiong Sieh Kiong [3]
6Johnny Koh [3]
7Mohd Mahdi [5]
8Ratna Sahbudin [5]
9Mohd bin Abdul Samad [5]
10Raed Saqour [2] [4]
11Mohamad Shanudin [2] [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)