
Masahiro Ishii

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13EEHidenori Maruta, Masahiro Ishii: Feature Extraction from Biological Motion of Human Gait Patterns for Emotion Discrimination. MVA 2007: 492-496
12EEHiroki Tamura, Zongmei Zhang, Zheng Tang, Masahiro Ishii: Objective Function Adjustment Algorithm for Combinatorial Optimization Problems. IEICE Transactions 89-A(9): 2441-2444 (2006)
11EEHiroki Tamura, Zongmei Zhang, Xinshun Xu, Masahiro Ishii, Zheng Tang: Lagrangian object relaxation neural network for combinatorial optimization problems. Neurocomputing 68: 297-305 (2005)
10EEXuGang Wang, Zheng Tang, Hiroki Tamura, Masahiro Ishii, W. D. Sun: An improved backpropagation algorithm to avoid the local minima problem. Neurocomputing 56: 455-460 (2004)
9EEZheng Tang, XuGang Wang, Hiroki Tamura, Masahiro Ishii: An Algorithm of Supervised Learning for Multilayer Neural Networks. Neural Computation 15(5): 1125-1142 (2003)
8EELaroussi Bouguila, Masahiro Ishii, Makoto Sato: Multi-modal haptic device for large-scale virtual environments. ACM Multimedia 2000: 277-283
7EELaroussi Bouguila, Masahiro Ishii, Makoto Sato: What Impact Does the Haptic-Stereo Integration Have on Depth Perception in Stereographic Virtual Environment? A Preliminary Study. Haptic Human-Computer Interaction 2000: 135-150
6EELaroussi Bouguila, Masahiro Ishii, Makoto Sato: Scaleable SPIDAR: A Haptic Interface For Human-Scale Virtual Environments. Haptic Human-Computer Interaction 2000: 182-193
5EEMichio Miwa, Masahiro Ishii, Yasuharu Koike, Makoto Sato: Screen Projection Camera for Ranging Far Away Objects. ICPR 2000: 4744-4747
4EESeahak Kim, Masahiro Ishii, Yasuharu Koike, Makoto Sato: Development of tension based haptic interface and possibility of its application to virtual reality. VRST 2000: 199-205
3 Masahiro Ishii, Makoto Sato: A 3D Spatial Interface Device Using Tensed Strings. Presence 3(1): 81-86 (1994)
2 Masahiro Ishii, Masanori Nakata, Makoto Sato: Networked SPIDAR: A Networked Virtual Environment with Visual, Auditory, and Haptic Interactions. Presence 3(4): 351-359 (1994)
1 Masahiro Ishii, Makoto Sato: A 3D Interface Device with Force Feedback: A Virtual Work Space for Pick-and-Place Tasks. VR 1993: 331-335

Coauthor Index

1Laroussi Bouguila [6] [7] [8]
2Seahak Kim [4]
3Yasuharu Koike [4] [5]
4Hidenori Maruta [13]
5Michio Miwa [5]
6Masanori Nakata [2]
7Makoto Sato [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
8W. D. Sun [10]
9Hiroki Tamura [9] [10] [11] [12]
10Zheng Tang [9] [10] [11] [12]
11XuGang Wang [9] [10]
12Xinshun Xu [11]
13Zongmei Zhang [11] [12]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)